Thursday, August 30, 2012

Think of You: Numbero Three

For my Krazy Canadian. =P
Definitely thought of you when I saw this...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012


It's one of those weird things.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

(Close to) The Most Beautiful

Okay, it's time.

"For what?" You ask, and in answer I say: Time for a little Owl City review. And then you groan (yes, I know you all too well, don't I?).

But really now, what else should I do (dedicated fan that I am), what with his newest album now debuting?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Penny Loafer Saved is a Penny Loafer Earned

This is a tag.
And yes, seeing as I don't own an iPod, I went to and found every Adam Young (A.K.A. Owl City, Sky Sailing, and Port Blue) and Relient K song that I had ever heard and put it on shuffle.

Be shocked with the results. I am.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Breakfast: An Overstatement (sort of)

Someday I'm gonna make up a song concerning my (not so much of a hatred) hatred of eggs. And milk.

And it will go like this.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Emphasis on Nice

Hey guys! How goes it?
Time for the

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ready Yet??

So I'm hoping a gazillion hours in an airport and inside a metal cylinder hurling through the air will spur some sort of creative streak.

A Trio Worth Reckoning

"Listen to me, all who stand below!" Bellowed the mountain as it rose, crowned against the azure sky. Glorified it looked, and honored was its appearance. "I have seen things from a great distance off, and I have lived long on the earth. Much wisdom have I received, and much knowledge have I retained from the passerbyers and pilgrims of my route. There is not one thing that has stood so long and so mightily in this ground of dust. Therefore, it is I who will pass on my knowingness to others who are younger and of lesser greatness."

Friday, August 10, 2012

"...'cause this is my therapy..."

In order to not leave you guys in the dark, might I point out that I have added a small portion of Salad Bugs to this blog, and intend to finish moving the rest of it here too.

Of course, there is a slight problem with that because I haven't really finished my short story over there.
---Which means that my non-finished short story may remain non-finished for the remainder of eternity.

Or not. =P

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hey, There's a Bug in My Salad!

Since I plan to squish my other blog ( into this one, I figure I might as well get a head start now.

Excuse me whilst I vent out the pent up abstract jigsaw pieces that lurk in my head.
(I really need a drain, because pouring out my brain's by-products through my fingers and into my blog posts must be really tedious for you dear readers.)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Busy Is As Busy Does

I've been busy.

Musically speaking, that is. And in addition to that, my head is swelling (the the figure-of-speech sort of way, not the I-just-walloped-my-head-on-that-scaffolding-over-there sort of way) And all of this is due to THIS:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Can This Be the 'Test' to My 'Imony'?

The more people the better.
---Or so I say when it comes to public speaking. If there's one thing that I can hardly pull through, it's doing a carefully planed, plotted and pictured speech in front of the few and familiar. Last year in English class I had to read (or rather, memorize and say aloud) a few paragraphs that I wrote in front of a class of seven.

Very. Very. Difficult.

Not that I do bad (in fact, quite the opposite), it's just that I feel more comfortable standing, and ultimately speaking, in front of a large crowd of less-than-personally-known acquaintances.

Besides, I have this strange inkling to the fact that the more people there are (attempting) to sit quietly and listen, the more they distract each other. Thus, spotlight dims a bit.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Patience Perfect

Once upon a time, I did a project for English class. This particular assignment was to write a paragraph personifying a character quality.

I drew "patience" out of the bag.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pilgrim Is Lagging

I really dislike feeling overwhelmed.

I love to direct movies, I love to edit them. I love to be the screenwriter, I love to be the filmography, and I love to be the set coordinator. I just love to be in charge. But the bigger the cast, the bigger the crew, the bigger the props, sets, and locations, the more hectic everything gets. The more I bite, the more I chew. And ultimately, the more I swallow.

I just hope I don't choke.

From Where You Cometh

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