Sunday, November 11, 2012

Oatmeal, Chocolate Chips, and Merlin

You should all know that I hate cooking. So on Friday, I decided to cook.

That is, bake cookies because it's November and everyone thinks that November means cookies. To be precises, they were oatmeal chocolate chip, but does preciseness really matter? Yes. Preciseness does, in fact matter when it comes to baking. Because of this tiny factor, I only just about botched the entire batch half a dozen times. In the end, they came out under cooked and I was happy enough with my cookies. However, let it be known to all that the best part about cooking is making the messes.

I do not mind cleaning up messes. That duty has been more or less my life. Therefore: I am a mess cleaner-upper. So when I end up spilling all the oatmeal on the floor and flinging the batter across the counter because the blender went kaput, ye be warned, instead of sighing angrily at the generally terrible state of things, I will probably just crack up, clap my hands, and shout "LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!"

Messes are the only reason why cooking can be fun.

Somehow I feel as if later in life it would be a good idea to make sure that my future husband realizes that I often have the urge to blow things up in the microwave. Or that I seriously do want to pop popcorn in a pot without the lid.

Anyway, I present the evidence.

 (before the fiery furnace oven)

(after the vacation to the Sahara oven)

To be perfectly candid, these things ended up looking a little better than they tasted (or so I thought), but in the end, we all must remember the blessed proverb:
"Cookies are good. Eat them and be happy."
Finally, I'd like to take this moment and share with you, one of the most phenomenal clips of one of the most phenomenal TV shows that I happen to absolutely adore.

I empathize.
(not with the flea mention at the end, mind you, but with the whole cooking thing)

'Till another time
At another place

From Where You Cometh

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