Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hi! I'm so excited for VBS! ( vacation bible school ) Although it's in July our church is getting ready for it. Speaking of church, we just got back from it! It's fun because I get to see my friends and other people that I know. Here's a funny thing that happened: while we were unloading stuff from the car this guy on a skateboard came zooming down our street! I know, I know, whats so funny about that?? Well guess what! his dog was pulling him!!! It was really funny and the dog looked like it was having some fun out of it too! My dad says that he's seen that guy before. The dog was like a boxer and it was brown and white. The guy also had a little black dog on another leash that was trying to keep up! Any way I'm thinking I'm gonna sign up for a church kids choir. ( I think the theme for it is VBS too )

So that's all that's been happening so far today!
your Blogger, A.lover

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