Friday, September 20, 2013


Hello bloglings, welcome to September 20th, 2013. Enjoy your stay this evening. I am about to die a gruesome death by mosquitoes.

I can't decide if life has been crazy in a routine way, or boring in a challenging way. Now that school is back into full swing, I've got a little more on my plate.
But I have a work ethic. It goes like this:
  • Step one: Accumulate homework.
  • Step two: Write a list of stuff to get done tomorrow. Make sure everything is accomplishable. Then ignore homework the night after accumulating it and waste time on pinterest.
  • Step three: Wake up at 5:50 AM the next morning, hit the sleep button periodically until 8:00,. Grudgingly wake up. 
  • Step four: Gather homework and dump onto bedroom floor.
  • Step five: Acknowledge the fact that you are still in your pajamas, haven't eaten, brushed your teeth, or combed your hair. Take time to relish and embrace this fact with open arms. 
  • Step six: Sprawl on the floor, increasing ease and comfort. 
  • Step seven: Begin homework, taking periodic breaks to check email, blog feed, and youtube channel. 
  • Step seven and a half: Actually begin homework. 
  • Step eight: Keep doing homework.
  • Step nine: Breath
  • Step ten: Realize you're halfway there. 
  • Step eleven: vgrgtryhtbyhehyrthrt (My kindly brother is attempting to sabotadgjge post. {---He did it again.} Obviously jealous of my fabulous work ethic.)
  • Step twelve: Eat food, drink water, listen to music, become unstressed (by now it's 3:00 PM).
  • Step thirteen: Finish up with light stuff. CRITICAL: when scheduling your homework agenda, be sure to leave your most "fun" *scoff* and "enjoyable" *pffft* homework for last. If you do the straining work last, your brain will start on it's jolly way towards implosion.
  • Step fourteen: Be done. If you hit 6:00 PM and gotten everything done, congrats. Eat ice cream. Be proud. If not, be ashamed. I gave you a whole ten hours. 

And that, my dears, is the way of the Kismint. At least, on my lucky-ducky days during which I have absolutely no reason to leave the house.

I go outside.
It's a hot place, outside. And it has mosquitoes. But yeah---shout out to the people enjoying the early autumn air and the brisk, crisp, fallish coolness. I'm sitting here in a puddle. Eww. And sadly, it's not of chocolate. Just saltwater.
Wanna know something I hate? I hate a handful of things, but this is the newbie on the list. I am absolutelyamcompletelyfurious because whenever I go to take a nice, refreshingly cool shower, the water is warm. IT'S WARM. WHY MUST THE WATER BE WARM?? I'M SWEATING HERE, OKAY??! I NEED COLD. Now, you might be one of those strange little human specimens often referred to as "optomists". And because of this, you might say one of the following things:
1. Just turn the temp all the way to the right. 
2. Better warm in warm weather than cold in cold weather. 

Well for those of you #1-ers, it is probable that you are familiar with this meme.

Yeah? Well allow me to explain a little something.


And for the people who are trying to console me with optimsm numbero 2...
Yes, you are completely correct, I am a whiner, and showering is a privilege not known to a large population on the the moment, I don't really care. I just want cold water.

So let me study, bring me ice, and allow me to complain.
Thanks for reading, oh loyal readers. You are loved (by many!).


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