Friday, July 5, 2013

Hi again. Guess what? I'm still here.

It's midnight, and the LED screen of my computer is the only thing that illuminates my bedroom.

A warm night, a ceiling fan, and my pajama pants are my companions. Those, along with a play list of Death Cab for Cutie and Twenty One Pilots (who have been commissioned to sing me to sleep). Summer is sapping into me, and I think I'm in love with the way the sun hugs the horizon for so long before waving goodbye. As if in quicksand, I'm stuck in a time that slides away from my fingers, feeding me good times and great memories with lovely people.
June is like the starting line. Schoolbooks and pencils fly from every fist, and at first, all the kids in town have a hard time figuring out what to do with themselves. (As you might have already known) I myself boarded a plan to New Orleans, and had a splendid vacation time there.

It took a few weeks after that---in which a whole lot of origami was folded to life---but eventually my summer holiday began to pick up. A curiously large amount of my time has lately been spent in a water park. While there, I've sped down a few monster slides armed only with an inner tube. I also built a few friendships, created countless inside jokes, successfully became a pizza ninja, officially dubbed Darth Kader, and enjoyed BBQ sauce and french fries.
All of this seeped into July, which is present and now being accounted for.

I want you to know that July is a word that strikes utter excitement into my heart.
First comes Independence Day. Ohmygoodness, I love this holiday. It was over and ended as of thirty minutes ago. But really now, it is now my belief that food, friends, and laughter (and maybe a few brightly colored explosives) will forever be the best way to celebrate one's nationality.
Not only this, but July has become the traditional time to rodeo dozens of small children around during my church's annual Vacation Bible School. However, this year it has also become the month of the ever-so-looked-forward-to summer camp.
There are no words, people. Really now. I'll say only that: I'mjustreallyreallyreallyreallyexcitedforyouthcampokay??!

It would also be fair to point out that, amidst the rest of the awesomeness, there are a few filming/editing/skit ideas that some friends and I are beginning to plot out. I happen to get giddy about new projects.

And from there: Road trips, movies, name it; the list goes on.
Haha, I think I might just actually have a lot to look forward to. ;P

I have only one slight issue. Enter stage right: Camp NaNoWriMo.
Gahreeeenrrrrnrnrnnnrrghghgahghgnnn. I'm not a writer, okay?? I'm a blogger. I do not use proper grammerature. People who construct sentences like I do belong on a place called "the Internet"...not as authors of published books. I write great stories in my head. They just aren't concrete enough to survive planet earth's atmosphere. They just sort of crumble apart when I breath them out. Kind of like packing peanuts.

Crunch crunch.

I'll get over it.

Until then,

From Where You Cometh

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