Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Lightning Thief and more

Hi I just got done with my last post and now time to do this one! Have you seen the new movie Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief? if you have please comment how you liked it. I saw it on my visit to Tucson! I thought it was pretty good but I've heard it's wayyyyyy not as good as the book, so now that I've seen the movie I want to compare it. By the way, never eat half a large bucket of buttered movie theater popcorn and the El Con theater in Tucson!! I had a very bad experience that had to do with getting sick to my stomach! So what's new with you? I'm very excited because I'm eating pizza for dinner tonight!!! WOO HOO three cheers for PIZZA!!!! You may have notice I like to use ! points, I think they look good on the end of a sentence and they make it look cheerful! You also may have noticed that I'm talking about random things tonight. It's weird because I hardly ever feel so random! :)

Bye 4 now!

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