Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ms. Demeanor

Hello! Before you read the words on this post then please read the post called Updates. OK today lets talk about Demi. Demi is a have Arabian and is Buckskin colored. Buckskin means a yellowish color with black legs, main, and tail. Buckskins are almost like Duns but a Buckskin has no strip on its back. So anyway, Demi is one of my favorites because of her personality. I think she is the most fun horse to ride. Demi has a funny way of acting when your riding, if you just barly nudge her she will do a big working walk! ( there are three speeds of walking, trotting, and catering. collected, working. and extended ) It's the same thing when you want her to trot: she just gos and gos and GOS! Over all I really really like Demi and I'm glad I got to have a fun time with her.

Later, AL.

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