No, I'm not exactly in la-la-land, but I'm just listening to a song on my computer while typing. The song is that song at the end of The Voyage of The Dawn Treader film. I think it's sung by Carrie Underwood (yes it's actually a song with words), I really didn't like it very much, and I'm usually not a big fan of female vocalists. But I really really like the lyrics for this song. And I know that Carrie Underwood is a Christian, so I think it's good that she did this song. And it is kinda catchy. And now it's over.
Hang on, let me press the replay button.
What? I said it was catchy! and anyway, since I like the lyrics so much, I'll try to memorize them...
So new things, new things:
#1) Today I spent a lot of time building card-houses, and climbing a tree.
#2) If you've noticed, I am spending more time blogging.
#3) There is a good chance that... (hang on, the song ended again...) ...I'll be able to ride a horse that will be boarding at the stable I ride at. This horse has been here before, I think for training, and then her owner moved him to another stable or something. Anyway, I think that I'm gonna be allowed to ride her whenever I want. Hopefully this will turn out kinda like the half-lease that just ended this month that I was doing with another horse named Lady.
It also just so happens that when this horse that's coming (I think) was here before, I took a picture of her and I put her in a post. You may remember her, her name is Jazz. You can... (gotta press the re-play button...) ...see that post back in January 16, 20009, or you can... (hang on again...) ...just look at that picture posted right here:
#4) Umm. What else? I've decided that I didn't... (Ya know what? I'm just gonna make that song play itself over & over again. Instead of making myself do it. Why in there world didn't I think of this sooner??) ...really like the Eragon book, on which you can read my review three posts ago, but then I haven't read the next books. So maybe that's not really a fair judgement.
#5) Today I showed off my duck tape bag-backpack thing I made yesterday afternoon and evening.
#6) I am still extremely happy about there being behind the scenes interview stuff on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader double disc pack. You can read about all that at my other blog DragonsFly99.
#7) Me & a friend (you can read her not-so-recently-updated blog at are trying to write a book out of our heads. And currently, I'm trying to put it together on a blog, but I am very against people reading it because for one, I think people might think it's weird & kinda dumb sounding. And for another, it's outta my own head, so for now, I will keep my head a secret!
In other words, I'm not gonna tell you the address! (unless of course, it turns into a published book, that's when I will give you a signed copy).
#8) That 8) makes a very silly-looking face... I've rebelled against making faces out of typing thingys, just because it's not really original -- I mean, it seems like everyone uses those! -- But ya'know, it is kinda neat. Just this post I will do a bunch: 8D 8) :7 :) :D L= |= O= d= =7
#9) I have now listened to this song on repeat five times (it's on repeat for ten times) ...oh wait, it just started number 6!
#10) I have now written ten things. (Oiy) My computer time is almost up, and ten is a good number. I'm finished with this!
That was quite rambling.
So anyway, this is my 79th post, I'm excited because on my 100th I plan to do the traditional write-100-things-about-yourself! ...That might be easier said then done...
Well, see yaz!
PS: I may write the lyrics to this song on another post.