Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June and July

Ok let me make all the updates quick!

1. I'm going to do a horse show on Saturday June 13 2009!!!!!!

2. Church camp ( which is one of the most fun things to do ) is starting up around Flagstaff AZ. on Sunday June 14 2009

3. Some people from my church are being missionarys in Mozambique, Africa this very second!!

4. VBS ( vacation bible school ) is starting in July!!

5. SUMMER!!!!!

So that's preatty much the 411 of this month and of July! I haven't written in a little while so that's why there is so much going on. I only posted one post in May and one in April, which is not very much!! So I'm trying to make this quick 'cause I only have 16 more muinets on the timer.



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