Monday, April 30, 2012

Guess What Plink-a-Dink Learned How To Do!

 Thank you Dad for teaching me how to use the scanner!
Now I can display my doodles...and you can laugh at my pathetic form of "talent"!

Anyhow, this is my tree house (for you, dearst L/K =) ).
---I wish.
I'm not sure exactly how the staircase begins. Either it spirals down to the ground, or it comes from another tree, or something else. You tell me. The shape of the little hut that sits in the limbs is pack-man shaped. Completely rounded, and with at least one window (as shown in the front). I went with something like terra-cotta tiles for the shingles. Normally I don't like these rounded tiles as opposed to the flat, rectangular clay ones that we have in our neighborhood, but round ones are more fun to draw. There's a hole in the roof with a ladder leading up to the wooden deck about. Once again, completely rounded wood work (totally shows off the workmanship of the carpenter!), and really, you could keep placing ladders up and up to limb to limb, until you reach the twigs at the top.
So there it is.
And it might be obvious to you that my inspiration was pulled from Lothlorien.

(Entitled: Goodbye Regret)
So this one could have turned out a LOT better. I could not for the life of me get Georgie's hair to look like anything besides ratty...umm...rat tails (and shading her face just did not work). And I've always struggled with proportions, so certain parts on both of their faces are either wayyy to big or really teeny. I like the way I was able to shade in Skander's face, but the face itself doesn't look anything like him.
Anyhow, I feel like if I had spent another few hours---or days---it would have turned out a lot better (I used the same pencil, so I didn't make the darks really dark---which make always seems to REALLY improve pictures).

Here's the original:

(From The Voyage of The Dawn Treader 2012 film)

More sketches later!
Gotta go and grab my dinner before certain person get to it before me.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Of Lime Green Insects That Have Become Increasingly Associated With Words

I find myself explaining my blog posts of late.

Is it only that I feel the need to clarify, or is it the fact that I'm confusing you and you're asking me what in the name of corn dogs I'm talking about??

Yes, I speak to numerous people whilst I state these simple truths.

Well anyway today I do not simply intend to explain a past post, instead, I'll explain a whole blog in it's own.

Some of you wonderful and faithful readers (or even: wonderfully faithful readers [eh, eh??]) have checkout out my [third?] blog, otherwise known as Salad Bugs. Now some o' you people are probably driven nuts because of the spontaneous-ness antics of Salad Bugs.

Well I hate to break it to you so harshly, but to put in blank: That's what I made it for.
I wrote this for someone earlier today to elaborate on:
I am a random person.
I am very fond of randomness.

---not really, but I'm very dramatic these days.

Ya see, I like to write. But in a not-so-structured kinda way. One of my favorite things to do is sit down with either a computer and keyboard or a notebook and pen in front of me, and write complete---or almost complete---randomness.
You might call it playing with words.
Sometimes I'll hesitate for just a second, and think about where I would like to be.
---a lake, a mountain, a battle field, talking to certain special people---wherever.
And that starts me off. From there I just say what my head is thinking. I shoot for the eloquent vague-ness. Blur the lines a little, and viola! I have a piece that might give someone a little something to chew on.

I write from emotion. I write from things that make me "tick".

Anyhow, since I'm quite a blogger nerd, I decided to make an anti-structure blog. I'd fill it with poems, metaphors, and life-lessons, illustrated with randomness (I also decided that I'd put one picture that I personally took and edited on each post, furthering my photography spree).

And so Salad Bugs was born...
That's what started the blog called "Salad Bugs". But in all the time I took to write the excript, I seemingly forgot to mention why I call it what I do. Thus, I elaborate once more!


Salad bugs are little green things with transparent wings. They are often found in the honeysuckle bushes that are in my backyard, and are usually attracted the the porch light. I used to catch them as something merely to pass whatever time I had.
Quite fond memories, I must admit. You could call them my fireflies.

Anyhow, "salad bugs" is now what I call a random script of words that I pen simply because I like to write whatever comes to mind (as stated in the above text). I also have used the phrase "bleeding butterflies" in place of "salad bugs".
Something about insects...
But they mean the same thing. They're just little spurts of inspiration.And just for fun, I'll give you two salad bugs that I haven't published anywhere else yet.I haven't entitled either one yet, but they're just things that I've jolted down in my notebooks.
Keep in mind that I write this sorta thing down when I'm half asleep, so no, I'm not going insane, I just don't go to bed on time. ;)

---Oh, and I don't know why it just so happens that the two I choose both mention "kick drums". I think I must have written them both after listening to this song.

"Treasure in the heart is more then flesh could ever try to imitate. The focus is forever, but the snapshot is in seconds. Sometimes I duck for no reason, only later to find that I'd saved my own skin by doing it.
I see glowing shadows.
And the kick-drums played a ballad in my head.
Something too beautiful to see lies ahead. So where do we go from here?"

* * *
"Shy strawberries and brown angel eyes.
Drifting off...
It's 1:00AM and I don't have a road map. The screen is flickering and I already hear the kick drums. My pillow awaits but the opportunity is greater than imaginable. Even when the music stops the voice doesn't.
And I stand there.
Waiting to crumble."

So yeah. There's your average random-write from Plink-a-Dink. You can really tell that there's absolutely no structure to anything that I say when I pull one of those on you. It's all just as it comes.

This is what I wrote to further tell you why I write this sorta junk:
I guess it's like an abstract painting. Does the artist even know what he/she is creating? Maybe. But say he/she doesn't know the whole scale. A little red there, a little yellow here---it looks good, but it's all in the way you look at it. A good abstract art will give a different impression to each viewer.
And that's how it is with a lot of my salad bugs pieces. Every time I take a moment, stand back, and view my work, I see something different that makes sense out of the corner of my eye, but when I look at it squarely, I can't seem to make heads or tails.

And I think that's how it's supposed to be.
...If ya get it, I shall pat you on the back and marvel at your ability to keep up with my brain.
And with that, I'll conclude.

So do me a favor and get a piece of paper and write whatever inspiration grants you. You might find it strangely beautiful in an alien-ish sorta way.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Call It A Miss-Spelling

 So if you want to, you can say it.

I'm paranoid.

From HC to AL to Dfly to Plink to Kismint...and you say: STOP THE MADNESS!!
Okay, so I'm a name changer. I have a thing about names. They have to be just right. Unfortunately, things change, so shouldn't names change with those things?

--Then of course, it reeeeally doesn't help if I make up nicknames for the numerous people I've surrounded myself with. YES! Many names I've devised, or thought up, or created, or penned--whichever way you choose to put it.

And now I'm a Kismint.

Twas I before? Aye, 'tis true.
Perhaps rumors have reached the ears of you people, bloggers (different denomination then people, of course), hedgehogs, and Marshwiggles that "Kismint" was once a name I held elsewhere in cyberspace.
...Wait, actually, I've used it on many sites, but the first--well, that one was the biggy. Therein lies the simple tale.

First, a confession. Once upon a time, a friend elaborated on a website known by the name of "Club Penguin". Being the small child that I was, the thought of a virtual world where one might converse and correspond with others seemed quite thrilling. From there it was all cornbread & mashed 'taters (<--heyyy...waddya know, I made up my own figure o' speech).

But what was my virtual penguin's name? What on earth would this shamrock-colored, computer generated avatar be know as? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE THE NAME OF ITS EXISTANCE??! Well--

*bleep* we now interrupt this charming little story to bring to you yet another bizarre tidbit from the blog author's personal experiences. We apologize for any inconveniences that may have occurred as result of this. *bleep*

A long time ago, (an age called "Barns and Noble Bookstore"), in a galaxies far, far way (A galaxy named "Shelf"), a book series was found.
This particular book series was not at all a best selling series, nor did it have any claim to be a "New York Times" popular. But it caught a little girl-with-a-gift-card's eye. She bought the first three or four, took them home, read them, instantly thought them quite wonderful books (which is saying more then they deserve) and proceeded in checking out more of the same series at the library.
THEN one day, while reading a book from the series, she came across a name. Something along the lines of:
or maybe it was
or maybe
or perhaps

Whatever the name, the little girl read on, and thought nothing of it.

 *bleep* we now return you to your regularly scheduled program. Thank you for not suing us, throwing rocks at your computer screen, or forgetting to invite us over for Sardella's Pizza. *bleep*

Well, as you might imagine a parTICularly indecisive person of very [very] mild intelligence would do, I sat there, brainstorming my little brains out in search for the perfect name.
It most definitely could not be a name with numbers at the end--no, that looks silly.
It most definitely could not be a common name--no, originality is important.

I went through many a name that afternoon.
Tealeaf, BlueIce, etc...

Until something hit me.
I had once read a book.
It hadn't been a long book, it hadn't been a true favorite.
But there was a name. A name that had a ring. A name I had never heard.
A name that might--just might--possibly be THE name.

But what had is sounded like? What had it started with? How did you spell it?

Letter by letter, my fingers tapped each key.


"name excepted. Please check the box clarifying that you agree to all terms and regulations..."

-Kismint Eliya Plink-a-Dink, Sword and sWord Wielder, Follower of the True King, and Barer of the Black Cap (commenly noted to take form in a bandana) and Blue Book.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So I've been noticing that the posts that I post on this posting site where you're suppost to post posts are getting less posty.

Have you?

That is for my good friend L/K (hi). I thought of you when I watched the little guy show off, and I said to myself: Kismint, people who LIVE WHERE IT'S SNOWING (doest thou detect a hint of envy? ;) )  can't see little scaly guys pulling dance moves outta their windows while they do their algebra now, can they? So I decided to make a short film.
Emphasis on short.

Is it obvious to you that I am in a wacko mood? Likely. I think I need food. But I REALLY need to go outside. I've been sitting in this chair alllllll day today. And I've been looking at this screen for halllllllllf of the day today.
You can see the effects.

Maybe I should go now.

...Ooop, yup, gotta go.

More some other time,
Miss Wacko (A.K.A 'Plink.')

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Waddya Think?

As a heads up:
I've changed Dragon's Fly ( to The Lion's Gaze ( Check it out, and tell me what ya think!

(Reep wants to know too)

More later.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Those Mayans---They Got It SO Right

Okay, so I find this extremely hilarious.

Keep Calm

If you didn't already notice, I put a "Hobbit Countdown" at the bottom of the side bar. *points*
I was thinking about sitting in my chair and sweatpants for the remaining 247 days and watching the clock go tickity tick. But then I realized that I might miss summer.

...Nope. Don't wanna do that.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mourning to Morning

It's Monday, the weekend over, and the schoolwork to be done. But this week is special.

When something is special, it could be for a number of reasons. As we all have known and acknowledged, everyone has their own eyes, their own view, and their own perception. It's a fact. And a well known one.
I would most certainly be correct if I were to say that every week in the life of all of us (for at the moment you are alive) was special in it's own way.

After all, time is a gift. A gift from God.

Alas, we most often forget that this is truth. Sometimes we do not take care to savor the days we receive. Often we doubt if these moments have any particular relevance in the least bit.

But earnestly I say: this week is special, to both you and me.

Once upon a measure of time, in a land far enough from where I type, a king rode on a donkey's back. His people cheered from the streets, raising their voices, proclaiming his name.
And glory was given to the one who deserved it all.

Then the time dawned.

For this was the time that had been soon in coming before there was a dawn in time. Before the sun came forth and showed is face among the stars, before the animals were sung into existence, and before man walked the face of the place called 'Earth', this moment was being ratified.

The Son of YHWH was to be Savior of all humankind.

---A big feat for someone even bigger.

And in the day to come, my Lord gave up his life, dying a bloody, horrific death, only to save the idiot that I am.
At this I puzzle. Why would he do that? What madness would drive a man to willingly lay down the strength that he had to save someone not worthy to look into his eyes?

The answer? It was not madness, but love.

Love so powerful, it cast out all shadows, devoured all darkness, swallowed all evil, and became bane to all suffering, agony and pain.
The power of love is no small thing.

As he hung from the nails in his hands, tortured by pain, and blinded by the blood from his brow, the only thing he could say was "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing".

It takes my breath away. How could he bear it?
The dawn was black, the curtain torn, and the tears of the people fell into the dust of the planet. The hour had arrived, and death entered through the door.

He lay under the earth. Asleep without dreams. Hope was not found.

Miracles of the past were doubted, many who once saw became blind. The cross that bore the sins of all brought only memory of despair and disappointment.
The beauty of life and time dissolved.

Until the sun rose on the third day.

Awake all children of the Father! Rise from your sleep! The one who died has bested the spear of death! He is alive!

In this I stand.
In this I live.
In this my all to him I give.
This is a special week.


From Where You Cometh

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