Thursday, April 19, 2012

Call It A Miss-Spelling

 So if you want to, you can say it.

I'm paranoid.

From HC to AL to Dfly to Plink to Kismint...and you say: STOP THE MADNESS!!
Okay, so I'm a name changer. I have a thing about names. They have to be just right. Unfortunately, things change, so shouldn't names change with those things?

--Then of course, it reeeeally doesn't help if I make up nicknames for the numerous people I've surrounded myself with. YES! Many names I've devised, or thought up, or created, or penned--whichever way you choose to put it.

And now I'm a Kismint.

Twas I before? Aye, 'tis true.
Perhaps rumors have reached the ears of you people, bloggers (different denomination then people, of course), hedgehogs, and Marshwiggles that "Kismint" was once a name I held elsewhere in cyberspace.
...Wait, actually, I've used it on many sites, but the first--well, that one was the biggy. Therein lies the simple tale.

First, a confession. Once upon a time, a friend elaborated on a website known by the name of "Club Penguin". Being the small child that I was, the thought of a virtual world where one might converse and correspond with others seemed quite thrilling. From there it was all cornbread & mashed 'taters (<--heyyy...waddya know, I made up my own figure o' speech).

But what was my virtual penguin's name? What on earth would this shamrock-colored, computer generated avatar be know as? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE THE NAME OF ITS EXISTANCE??! Well--

*bleep* we now interrupt this charming little story to bring to you yet another bizarre tidbit from the blog author's personal experiences. We apologize for any inconveniences that may have occurred as result of this. *bleep*

A long time ago, (an age called "Barns and Noble Bookstore"), in a galaxies far, far way (A galaxy named "Shelf"), a book series was found.
This particular book series was not at all a best selling series, nor did it have any claim to be a "New York Times" popular. But it caught a little girl-with-a-gift-card's eye. She bought the first three or four, took them home, read them, instantly thought them quite wonderful books (which is saying more then they deserve) and proceeded in checking out more of the same series at the library.
THEN one day, while reading a book from the series, she came across a name. Something along the lines of:
or maybe it was
or maybe
or perhaps

Whatever the name, the little girl read on, and thought nothing of it.

 *bleep* we now return you to your regularly scheduled program. Thank you for not suing us, throwing rocks at your computer screen, or forgetting to invite us over for Sardella's Pizza. *bleep*

Well, as you might imagine a parTICularly indecisive person of very [very] mild intelligence would do, I sat there, brainstorming my little brains out in search for the perfect name.
It most definitely could not be a name with numbers at the end--no, that looks silly.
It most definitely could not be a common name--no, originality is important.

I went through many a name that afternoon.
Tealeaf, BlueIce, etc...

Until something hit me.
I had once read a book.
It hadn't been a long book, it hadn't been a true favorite.
But there was a name. A name that had a ring. A name I had never heard.
A name that might--just might--possibly be THE name.

But what had is sounded like? What had it started with? How did you spell it?

Letter by letter, my fingers tapped each key.


"name excepted. Please check the box clarifying that you agree to all terms and regulations..."

-Kismint Eliya Plink-a-Dink, Sword and sWord Wielder, Follower of the True King, and Barer of the Black Cap (commenly noted to take form in a bandana) and Blue Book.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering about your name today.....

E-jai said...

You forgot Elizabeth Olra :P

Kismint said...

Good point, I did. Maybe I should add it.

...Leave it to you to remember! =D

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