Thursday, February 2, 2012

Desert Days And Olive Trees

Warm afternoons are the norm around here. Luckily, rain looks like it's on its way. It reminds me of the Beatles' song, but instead of 'sun' it's " comes the sun rain..." If I left you confused with the last post, I apologize.
I like to take pictures. I like to edit pictures. I like to distort pictures so much that the sky turns a bizarre pea color.

My older brother's senior graduation is coming up, and he needed some pictures. So, being the awesome, good-natured, sacrificing little sister I am, I volunteered to take them. And really, it was a lot of fun. The picture above was one that I took yesterday while we were sauntering around the neighborhood.

I heard the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter.
...Works for me!

This morning, I went Frisbee golfing. (...Wait, what's wrong with oatmeal?!) Yes, every Thursday I go to a park and wing a plastic pancake shaped object at the ground, trees, streets, houses, and try as hard as I utterly can to avoid that little metal basket that for some reason everybody else aims for.

*Umm...hoping you get the slight sarcasm...

Today's game was particularly interesting. A disc got swallowed up by an olive tree (and as a result, I got the awesome excuse to jump up and down in a tree at the wee dark hours of 5:45 in the morning). This sorta thing happens to our spherical hand missiles rather often, and usually we find rocks, water bottles, other Frisbees, people's heads, etc., to knock the desired objects out of where it is being held hostage.
Anyhow, usually this kind of approach works just fine. But olive trees are thick. Really really thick. And I'm still trying to figure out how my friend threw got his disc so jammed into the leafy prison. And the tree was conveniently located where there were very few rocks around. If you've ever noticed, it's hard to find rocks in the dark.

Well, all came out okay.

Oh, dad's home from work. I gotta go to riding lessons soon. (Yay!)
I've been riding Danny lately.
He is such a huge horse! I have to stand on my toes to brush his back. I think he could easily make five of me. Beautiful horse though. And an awesome canter stride. Defiantly for the roller-coaster fanatics.

Hum dee dum.
Thank you for reading!


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