Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Late Christmas And Have a Happy New Year!

Wow! it's been a little while since I've written huh? latly I've been working on my critic of The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader on my other blog, but that's getting kinda old and I feel like I need a break of having to be so critical of every little aspect of what I can remember. Speaking of that, I think I will be seeing that movie again at around 4:30pm this evening! I'm pretty excited, and hopefully I will watch it with a little more enjoyment now that I have seen before and know what to expect.
So was your Christmas good? I went to Tucson again and had a great time. Some of my favorite things that I got as presents were some maps of Narnia and Middle Earth (from The Lord of The Rings). Hold on, Let me see if I can find some sort of map(s) that resemble them on Wikipedia...

...Okay cool, I just found these on Google Images, I now have these pictures/maps on rolls of papers, so I can look at them whenever I like! I also got a big gigantic wall poster of a picture of Aslan, its really, really cool!
So, what are you doing for New Years Eve? I'm not really sure what we are doing, but we might spend it putting up this new TV that we bought off of! I think it's a 46 inch but I'm not sure, it's somwhere around that range.

Well, I guess I'll see ya later!

PS: This is my 70th post!

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