Friday, November 30, 2012

9 For You: A Blogger

It's very hard to write something for an audience while you are confused with what your intentions are.
Take right now as an example. Should I write one of my infamous 'Salad Bugs', and just let you pick my brain for the remainder of this post? Shall I talk about the whether, seasons, end of November, or other cliched subject that humans seems to take comfort and abide in? What if I just rambled on about my homework and the completion of NaNoWriMo until your ears bleed?...Oh wait, I've already done that.

And by this point, you're about to punch your screen and shout: "JUST PICK A TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT ALREADY!"

---Well first of all, that hurts my feelings. And secondly, I'm already suffering enough, what with being allowed to stay in my PJs all day, enjoying a clean and organized room, the cool, pleasant sounds outside that mainly consist of the neighbor's AC streaming gently through my open window, and a weekend of Christmas decorating up ahead. Can't you see that my life is just terrible already?!

(and by the way, if you aren't getting my sarcasm, you really will be hurting my feelings)

But by now, I've created my own conflict. Should I conclude my streamline of type and text? Or will that not be enough?? Have I gone down too many rabbit trails, or have I gone down too few? Are you smiling, crying, or rolling your eyes?
After all, it's your afterthought that counts. Your final reaction to my work is what I strive for.


Finally, what about pictures? Videos?...Or even *gasp* should I insert emoticons that can be coined from parentheses and semi-colons?? If so, which ones? Often people favor one over the other, and I certainly wouldn't want to offend my vast variety of readers.

These are the conscience and subconscious worries of the average blogger.
And these are totally rationalizations and wastes of time.

...Which of course, makes it perfectly clear as to why I often find these thoughts plaguing my mind while writing to you. I am, after all, a very rationalizing person. I compare. A lot.

Truth be told, you're probably better off (and wiser) were you to never take advice from me. Especially not blog-writing advice. But as a reader of the web, I'd tell you that writing informally [to the extreme] for a number of people shouldn't be fretted about.
Given, you shouldn't prattle on about how you have nothing to write, (*guilty tenfold*) but don't stress about how boring your life is. Here are nine ideas if you are an avid blogger, but have run brain-dead out of ideas

1) Micro-Focus. Think of something. Anything. Any little detail of your life that comes to mind from over the recent days, hours, or minutes, and then exaggerate. Tell the world exactly how awful, wonderful, virtuous, or sinister that thing, event, or experience happened to be---or better yet, make a short story out of it.

2) Pull a Kismint, and do a Salad Bug. Yay! Definition of Salad Bug: The most eccentric, swirly-twirly paragraph(s) of words you can come up with it, making a scenario out of them. Use lots of adjectives, and make the idea and story behind it as vague as possible. It's kind of like spacing out while writing while your fingers keep clicking over the keyboard.

3) Write a poem! Even if you aren't a poet, you're still a blog writer, and it might be good to stretch those creative cells in your head. In order to make your poem "worthy of web site", make sure that you're listening to poignant music while you pen down your verses.

4) Find a picture, and write a story that goes behind it. This one is simple enough, and easy too. Just find an image that gives you a spark of inspiration, and run with it. It doesn't have to be a made-up story, it could just be something that's happened in your own experiences.

5) Write about yourself in third person. If you want something to use for as a daily blog post, yet have run out of ideas, try journaling each day of your life for an entire week, but speak only in third person.

6) Photolog! This is for the peoples with the cameras. After waking up, snap a shot of everything that you do for an entire day. Before you go to bed, upload and share your day.

7) Share ten wacky aspirations. Come on, everyone has something unexpected on their bucket list. Make your readers laugh at a few of the crazy things you're just dying to do.

8) Write about a dream you had. That is, if you're one of those people who remembers their dreams after they wake up. Because dreams are made up of shifting words, pictures and images in our minds, you'll find that it can be pretty challenging to try to re-account everything that you saw while sleeping in a words-only mode.

9) Try the music tag, or another tag of your choice. Or better yet, create your own tag to send out to everyone else!

Good night,


My math lesson is entitled: "Masquerading as a Second Degree". Great. Guess what song gets stuck in my head.

Masquerade by The Phantom Of The Opera Cast on Grooveshark


Don't we just love math time?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I am wait, THE tortoise

Finished my NaNoWriMo this morning at 12:00 AM.

Oddly enough, this year's story became a short prequel to the real plot that I had originally planned to write about. A little less than halfway in, I realized that the idea was too large to fit into on month's worth of 30,000 words (yeah, not a full 50,000---you think I'm insane or somethin'?).

And so a started a Novella.
And then I finished a Novella.
And then I rejoiced.

I must say, I didn't expect to actually accomplish what I'd set out to do. But being encouraged by friends and the YWP's pep talks helps. One of the most inspiring pep talks that I read mentioned something about writing for the people who doubt you, rather than the people who believe in themselves. As a self-proclaimed skeptic, I grasp this concept with open arms. I wrote to prove something. Not to the people who knew already that I had it in me. Instead, I wrote to prove something to MYSELF. My doubtful, pessimistic self.

So there. Take that, self! 

And now, dear reader, is the part of the post when I encourage you. If you're trying to accomplish something, I tell you now: Do it. But do it to show all those doubting people who's boss here!

And rest assured, when you've finally earned the right to grasp your trophy, it feels good.
Really really good.

Thanks to my lovely characters---some of which have yet to appear---for their patience and faithful bickering that kept the story on the road. And to my fellow NaNo-ers: without them, it would have been impossible to write that 30,642.

Finally, I give to you all, the last words of the (more than rough) rough draft.
"'And now it begins.' Whispered Robert Augustus Thorpp, unsure of the future, and accelerating towards it at full speed."

You have no idea how badly I've wanted to write those two concluding words.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I'm sorry, but this is great. 

(veiwers should be warned that this does have a fair share of graphic battle scene violence)

More later,

Saturday, November 24, 2012

To The One With Reading Eyes,

I never walk beside you, nor in front, nor behind. I walk in a parallel line with your shadow. You don't see me, and you usually don't listen to me, but you hear me every day and don't know it. Sometimes I'm that nagging voice in your head. Other times I'm just the wind tickling the blades of grass in the meadow and making funny whistling noises. I have lots of things to tell you. But you like to rush. You like to go about your day without heeding, without worrying, and without wondering what I might be able to do to help you out with. The only time you're ever ready to sit down and have a chat is when your eyes shut and your brain switches from "awake" to "hibernation". 

It's sad really---the way that you always seem to forget what I told you when we talked together. And the more you try to remember, the quicker my words dissolve from your memory. Everything I tried to give you fades away when you awake. Like sand stirred up by the bluster of a passing car, my gifts to you are left behind. 

With blessing,

I n s p i r a t i o n .

Monday, November 19, 2012

"On Your Knees!"

"Your time starts now!" Shouted Prince Arthur's voice, sounding grim and deadly in the pavilion. It was now or never again. This was Lancelot's chance: The chance to become the thing he'd dreamed of. Knighthood was in his reach. 

All his life, since he was only an orphan child, had he practiced his sword craft. The tricks and turns he had mastered came flooding back to him, and his hands and fingers remembered their skill. Arthur was the best swordsman in Camelot---perhaps even in the world. The prince's skill had been carefully fostered since he could walk. Now, in his prime, Arthur was most undoubtedly the deadliest human foe he would ever face in combat.

Lancelot must prove himself worthy. Not only to the once and future king of Camelot, or even his friends who stood nervously on the sidelines, watching with anxious eyes, but to himself---that he could do what he'd always aspired to. 

From inside his helmet, Lancelot could hear every sword stroke as the two weapons of metal met in the air. The sounds reminded one of music from a warning bell, ringing "danger" and "injury" at every toll. Lancelot did his best to hold his ground and keep his head, even under the rain of Arthur's blows. In combat, the two of them were like animals, feeling for each other's weaknesses, never giving in, never holding up, and never backing down. In a brief wave overwhelming disorientation, Lancelot lost his balance, and swung wildly at Arthur's head. He thought it to be his doom, but fate laughed and Arthur held back. The two circled. 

And they continued.
Lancelot didn't know for how long. 
Have you ever noticed how impossible to tell time when pouring out everything you are or ever hope to be?
In reality, it was only a few seconds before his downfall. With a backhanded blow from his right gauntlet, Arthur had struck Lancelot directly in the face. Onto the ground he went as his helmet flew off and his mind darkened... 

...But the thing you most desire, if in your grasp, will not---should not---be given up on without a fight.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cooper and Gatlin- "Don't Panic" (Coldplay LIVE cover)

Talented people. Besides, how can you not like Coldplay??

For any fellow AIO listeners who might be curious and recognize the name, the girl in this video is the actress Gatlin Green---A.K.A. Priscilla---singing with her brother, Cooper Green (also an actor).

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Non-Themed Theme Song

Listening to this right now.

You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere Is 
For some reason, the chorus of this song was kind of the original "Theme Song" of this year's NaNoWriMo novel. Just the chorus though. I like Enya, but to be honest, the tempo of this song's verses get a little irritating (though the lyrics are pretty awesome on their own).
Now, after actually sitting down and writing the Novel this month, this song reflect approximately zero of the feeling or mood shone in any scene or character. Nevertheless, I'm stuck with it being linked forever as a picture of the basic outline of The Upper Class.

---Not sure if I like this or not.

In more NaNo news (I know, you're sick of it, right?)...LOOKIT WHAT I MADE!

Okay, if this isn't creepy, I don't know what is. It's literally a collaboration of people who are, star in, related to, or otherwise associated with

-Benedict Cumberbatch (that how you spell his last name?)
-Dr. Who (in an extremely roundabout way)
-Zombie Land
-That show that used to play on The Discovery Channel

Plus, I have no idea where the redhead girl is from.

But the explanation for this odd assortment of faces is that they are my visuals of my (known) characters. It always helps for me to have a concrete picture for me to base imaginary people off of, so this is what I've come up with. All of these people have places in my novel world, which is strange in and of itself.

I hope they don't mind.
And as far as I know, only one of shown characters ends up dying, which is a positive thing.

I'm not giving away any names for now, because (1) that would be strange and (2) the names aren't set in stone and are up for swapping/obliteration of existence. But there they are.

I hope I don't bore you too much,

PS: I'm stuck. That's why I can't stop telling you about this silly endeavor to write this novel in thirty days. I'm fed up with writing this. Anyone else feel this way? Anyone??


Friday, November 16, 2012

Halfway Ain't What It Crackethed Up To Be

Seeing as I got at least one remark that questioned whether the afore mentioned math problems had murdered me, I figured that I should drop by and say hi today.

First I give the mandatory NaNo update:


I'm lurking somewhere between despair and self-congratulations. To be on track, I need to plug at least 1100 words into my word pad doc before midnight tonight. In this way, I'm *cough*surprisingly*cough* on track. Which is kinda weird on its own.

That's where my self-congratulations is coming from. The despair part is a whole 'nother slice of pie (Thanksgiving pun not intended).

Long, complicated, and stringy summery cut short: My novel is pretty much trash. Not that I would ever---EVER---decide to just throw a whole 16,000 words in the garbage (think of all the time and sweat and bleeding fingers that it took to get that many syllables on one page!), but it's bad. I've reached the point of rambling on and intentionally inserting run-on sentences to increase word count. My own work is putting me to sleep. And when that happens, it's a sad day.
Something else that's rather confusing: November is halfway over and my main character is still meeting his future protags.


I mean, you'd think that he be in the middle of saving the world by now, but NO, AT 30 PAGES, HE'S STILL STUCK IN A STUPID BOOKSTORE EATING DONUTS AND COFFEE.

*enter me throwing something across the room*

Okay, I have to rant, you understand that right? After I click the orange publish button and launch this post, I'm doomed to go and sit down and cook up another stingy batch of 1000 words on my intensely unsatisfying story. It's just...wrong. All wrong.

But I no give up. But I'm not giving up.

Instead, I'm just going to resurrect it from the grave sometime when I'm board and living in a retirement home.

Such are my NaNo feelings.


*sigh of relief* Ohhhh, that felt good. Nothing like a depressing gulp of pessimistic attitude to cheer your day!

So tell me, tell me, how are you? Are you about to celebrate the coming Thursday with grandeur and cranberry sauce alike? Or maybe you're hoping for a white Christmas already, and crossing your fingers that there are considerably less broken bulbs for the tree lights then there were last year.

Holidays are fun. But more than that, they help us remember the important things. I always have a spot in my heart for summertime, but when the days grow dark and cold, there's some sweetness in that as well.

The End,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

In This Moment

Learning about imaginary numbers in algebra today. Something is wrong.

Monday, November 12, 2012



Today I told someone that the Hobbit would come out in theaters in 31 days.

I did not lie.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Oatmeal, Chocolate Chips, and Merlin

You should all know that I hate cooking. So on Friday, I decided to cook.

That is, bake cookies because it's November and everyone thinks that November means cookies. To be precises, they were oatmeal chocolate chip, but does preciseness really matter? Yes. Preciseness does, in fact matter when it comes to baking. Because of this tiny factor, I only just about botched the entire batch half a dozen times. In the end, they came out under cooked and I was happy enough with my cookies. However, let it be known to all that the best part about cooking is making the messes.

I do not mind cleaning up messes. That duty has been more or less my life. Therefore: I am a mess cleaner-upper. So when I end up spilling all the oatmeal on the floor and flinging the batter across the counter because the blender went kaput, ye be warned, instead of sighing angrily at the generally terrible state of things, I will probably just crack up, clap my hands, and shout "LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!"

Messes are the only reason why cooking can be fun.

Somehow I feel as if later in life it would be a good idea to make sure that my future husband realizes that I often have the urge to blow things up in the microwave. Or that I seriously do want to pop popcorn in a pot without the lid.

Anyway, I present the evidence.

 (before the fiery furnace oven)

(after the vacation to the Sahara oven)

To be perfectly candid, these things ended up looking a little better than they tasted (or so I thought), but in the end, we all must remember the blessed proverb:
"Cookies are good. Eat them and be happy."
Finally, I'd like to take this moment and share with you, one of the most phenomenal clips of one of the most phenomenal TV shows that I happen to absolutely adore.

I empathize.
(not with the flea mention at the end, mind you, but with the whole cooking thing)

'Till another time
At another place

Saturday, November 10, 2012

When To NOT Talk About Life Insurance

At this point in my life, I'd like you to read an interview that I'm going to do with one of my NaNoWriMo (that's National Novel Writer's Month to those of you who are in the dark) characters who has yet to appear in my story. If you haven't already realized, today is November the tenth. This means that, to be on my self established word goal of 30,000, I should have 10,000 words by 11:59 PM tonight. But leaving that factor and going to the next, I want you to realize that my story is on its third chapter (okay, the first is more of a prelude, but just give it to me, 'k?) and my main character is still in the process of meeting his soon-to-be-fellow-protagonists. Today it was brought to my attention---by secret sources *ahem*dad*cough*---that I need a character sacrifice.

That is, someone (one of the protagonists) to die for a (questionably) good reason.

Unfortunately, this must happen soon in the plot development and it just so happens that I have a rather small cast of protags and none of them that I can kill off. This is due to the fact that I need a dose of character development to take you readers for a spin in the chapters ahead.
Oddly enough, I've never been faced with a problem like this before. Each time that I've had one of my story dudes suffer a death it's been by my own choice---usually because they don't have anything better to do. However, in the current case, I'm actually having to deliberately make (what I'm calling in honor of Dr. Who) a Rory Character. Only in this character's unfortunate case, he WON'T be coming back to life.

*reconsideration*...I guess he's not really a Rory Character then...

Anyway, I need someone who my readers will begin to think shows promise of becoming someone awesome by the end of the book. AND THEN IS CUT SHORT IN HIS PRIME BY A DEATH OF HORRIBLENESS. Thus, breaking the reader down, exposing them to shock, despair, and fear for the remaining dudes, causing them to blubber in tears over their Lucky Charms.

And that is why, my friends, I write now. Because, if I'm not mistaken, the character in question is due to show up right


Hello nameless Rory Character who will be dying presently, how are you at the moment?

Huh, me? Oh...I guess I'm doing all right. Considering the circumstances about---well, y'know. 

Your death?

*cowers a bit* Umm, yeah. That.

Oh it's fine, I'll try my best to keep it painless as possible on your part.

I appreciate that. *nods sincerely*

No prob. Anyway, I'm sure our readers are wondering: Are you a guy or a girl?

A guy. The author---err, eh, that would be you wouldn't it?---figures this is the best way to go. 

What about your name? (I gotta go through the basics here)

...Well...I actually don't kn---

*explodes in spastic episodes of glee* AIYEEEEEE! I'VE GOT IT, I'VE GOT IT, I'VE GOT IT!!

*looks hopeful* A way to bring me back to life?


*frowns* Oh. What is it? Do tell.


*mutters and looks a bit disappointed* no duh. 

Excuuuuuse me? 

Nothing. What's my next question?

Do you eat ranch?

Nope. Allergic. 

To ranch??


What kind of personality would you describe yourself with?

*pauses to think and mumbles:* Isn't this your job?

Shush and just answer the question.

I guess I'm kind of...shy. Maybe. Or more like indecisive. *puts hands on sides of head* Ahg! I don't know! 

*writes notes* Hmm...indecisive...that's helpful.

*moans* Glad to hear it.

What about family? Do you have any family?

A wife. We've only been married for two years. 

Oh well congrats!


What about animals? Do you like animals?

Funny you should ask about that. It just so happens that I'm working as an assistant to one of the world's most knowledgeable zoologists. 

Really? Do you work at the Lab that's on the top of Humphreys Peak?

Oh yes. Have you been there?

Actually, it won't exist for the next two hundred years, but I've heard a lot about it. What do you do at work?

Just the usual: Help Dr. Smite with animal tissue samples, check research and feed the few animals we have at the establishment.

*look of worry* But it's not like one of those creepy science lab where they mutate and cause harm to the animals, right?

Oh not at all. It's perfectly humane. I even take some of the animals home with me after work---their practically family pets.

So your wife, she likes animals too?


*keeps taking notes* Also good to know...I wonder if her name should be Amy...

You ask something? 



Nothing. I have one last inquiry before we break up this brief talk. 

And that is?

How perfected are your survival skills?

Like, outdoors and such?


Well I'd say I could survive for a little while. I'm not the smartest person on the subject, but I know the basics. Out of mere curiosity, why do you ask?

Oh, well, I'm just wondering. Just in case you might---ah---need them by chance. You know, later on.

*gives sideways look* I'm dying in the wilderness? 

*sits up straighter and puts on innocent look, speaking quickly* I didn't say that. 

Right. Well if you excuse me, this whole conversation is making me rather uncomfortable. *gets up out of cushy chair and walks away*

*stares at ticking clock in awkward (and lonely) silence* Well that when nicely. I don't feel guilty at all. Nope. Not one bit. *gets up and walks away in opposite direction*


Okay, well if you were wanting to know, it is awkward trying to interview someone who you both know is going to end up dying by your hand.

But that's not the point.

The point is for you to enjoy this post because it gives your nosey little nose a sneak peak at what is to come.

Also, in that case that you might have had a brainwave, I was wondering if you have any better name ideas than just "Rory". I like that name but extra suggestions are very welcome! =)

And that closes our post of November 10, 2012. Thank you for reading!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fresh Breath of Leaves

I feel a newness in the trees, in the earth, even in the sky itself
My nose is tickled with the cinnamon scent that goes spelunking in the neighborhood
Some things are simply meant to be taken in
Others are meant to be given
The autumn is giving me a greeting card
And the question is whether I will treasure it or not


And It Continues

Excuse my lack of words and blame it on NaNo.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Plant Life

(Words taken from Plant Life || Owl City)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Chronology, If You Will

Dear friends, today I woke up and realized that I have not taken a single picture for weeks. So I decided to make up for it today. I now present to you, the stereo-typical Monday of a Kismint Plink-a-Dink.

**NOTE** These pictures are completely unedited and were shot on auto mode. Thus, they are exceedingly awful at worst and not my finest work at best. Enjoy as my day unfolds before you.

I started today's photo log at breakfast. Naturally, my fine cooking skills produced a feast of quite scrumptious quality

Fed this fellow.

Can't you just see the gratitude?

It's been my experience that panic takes place at about this time on Monday mornings...something about it being eight minutes to departure time.

Wore my Shell Shocked jersey with my pirate boots today. I hope you are proud.

Road trip.

This is what is looks like after I've just defeated the evil evil evil evil evil stairs that mark the way to digi art.

Yes. I know it's a shock. Homeschoolers have to take notes from the board too.

I hope I don't get sued for taking pictures of the innocent.

Note to self: lunch could suspiciously be likened to breakfast.

You know you're under your word count if you're working on NaNo at lunchtime. 

Friends who are awesome and do goofy things with me during lunch hour as I wield a camera. Thank guys, I had a lot of fun today---and seriously, you are brilliant when it comes to photo ideas.

Lit. class: the place of the kiwi walls.

Tramping my way to science. 

  Tramping my way from science.

GOODBYE FRODO!!!! *sniff* 

Yay for home and screechy garage doors.

Today marks a cornerstone for me. It was the first time I single handedly popped my own little bag of greasy microwave popcorn all by my own little self. 
Plus, I tried to make a video documentary of me doing it, but that fizzled and my camera decided not to keep its end of the bargain up.

Guess what this spells!...

(Surprise! I've become an overnight fan.)

After I finished season one of BBC's finest, I went over to the young writer's program NaNo website and decided to try to strangle my word count (currently 1,240 behind schedule).

NaNo playlist. 
The lack of variety in artists bothers me not.

After sitting too long with my eyes glazed over trying to conjure up those missing 1,240 words my mum kicked me off the typewrit---err, computer. What else to do but re-read this classic in the November nighttime?

Until of course, the dude came and told me that I needed to shower him with love and attention (and food). 
This picture was weird because I couldn't see a thing when I took it. Flashes are annoying, but fun when I don't care about the quality. 

I usually spend my nights pacing around in the dark. It's just what I do---and how I think.

Sad but true: this is what I think of as a typical Monday night dinner. Cooking just isn't what you'd call a love.

And from there I sat down and blogged about my day. 
Which, ironically, doesn't have a picture to go with it, because the picture is...right here. 

I hope you had a good Monday. And I very much hope the rest of your week will be fine and jolly with lots of chocolate and pretty sunsets (because sunrises are too early in the morning and you deserve to sleep in). 

These are just some of the pictures I took today, so expect to see some more soon at my photography blog! Tell me what you think of my Monday photo log...maybe I'll do another day of the week. 

But until then,
God bless and be inspired,

From Where You Cometh

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