Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fresh Breath of Leaves

I feel a newness in the trees, in the earth, even in the sky itself
My nose is tickled with the cinnamon scent that goes spelunking in the neighborhood
Some things are simply meant to be taken in
Others are meant to be given
The autumn is giving me a greeting card
And the question is whether I will treasure it or not



Jack said...

I want your socks.

*Ahem* *Adjusts glasses*
"Dear K-Minty,
Thank you for your email. Being a best seller, I am very busy but since you sent a dozen emails I decided to answer.
You asked for advice on publishing your book. My advice to you? Get used to hermit life."

Hm, I should work on my professional sounding ness before I become a best seller...

Thank you, I am glad you think I am cool. Being a smart robot, I feel cool very often.

Kismint said...

@ Jack:
Don't fret. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Anonymous said...

I want your socks too!! Silly girl, telling me you don't like fashion. *rolls eyes* I'd say you've got it.

I like. Like Like.

Jack said...

Now I'm picturing a raccoon jumping on an owl. It is disturbing.

How is your count now? I got behind too but am hoping to catch up Monday. If I can keep my nose out of the good books I'm reading.

Kismint said...

@ Jack:
Oh I apologize, I didn't mean to ruin your view of your own characters. ;)

I'm finally on track. I only have to write one thousand words every day for the rest of the month, and I'm home free! *joy dance*

Also, this gives me some wiggle room, as I could easily write a little over my minimum quota and have a day or two off every now and again.

Now my main concern is to figure out what my plot is. I'm beginning to realized that eventually I'll need a conclusion, and seeing that I have no concrete or even semi-concrete outline for this story, it might be a thing to fret about.

'Till another time and place,
K-Minty of blogishness

From Where You Cometh

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