Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stupid page. It's blank.

Yeah, we'll see about THAT.

Okay, I'm in one of those moods again guys:

I can't write something cool, inspiring, humorous, or remotely entertaining.
*runs outside and screams to the heavens, hoping for a random lightning bolt to strike some spark of inspiration*
...I'm calm...I'm calm...
* * *
I looked under the rug, in the fridge, beneath the bed, behind the dresser, below the couch cushions, inside the broom closet, among the china, above the cabinets, and throughout the entire house. But I just COULDN'T find it! I lay on the bed while pounding my face into the pillow.
Just WHERE did I leave that inspiration?
And then it hit me.
I rocket to my closet, pulled on mismatched socks, slipped on my Converse, and pulled my gray hoodie around my shoulders. My feet flew to the door. My hand reached for the knob. And I was outta there. And into here.
Where was "here"?
You'll just have to come along to find out.
* * *
The weather is a nice 96 Fahrenheit, and life slowly becomes concentrated to a higher degree with school work, and I dilute it by photography, blogging, and reading The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme.
Other than that, what can I say?
I'm a class clown, ate applesauce on my toast today, my three pairs of shoes share two pairs of laces, and I'm still troubled by the fact that Andy Griffith died.
Where our motto is: 'If you're prepared, you're doing it wrong!'"

God bless!

From Where You Cometh

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