Thursday, April 21, 2011

Of Posting, Flies, and Communacation

I know, I know, what's the rush with all these posts, and writing so fast & furious??
Truth is, is that I don't have much of anything else to do on the computer. And of course, I, like all the other American population, was born with the instinct to attract to computers. Kinda reminds me of flies & food...
Speaking of flies, their population seems to be increasing in our backyard. I think this is actually the bug-of-backyard-life-cycle, because I remember last summer (or was it two summers ago? Or even three??) when a buddie of mine came over one day, and the flies were driving us crazy as we moseyed around outside!
So what did we do about it?
It just to happens that my dad had trimmed a bunch of branches off of the honey-suckle plants in our backyard. Now, the thin, whip-like branches make excellent fly-swatters.
...So now, picture me & my friend, armed with switches & a broom, waving them wildly around, swatting a all these extremely irritating little flying things, with my dog going on with it, having a very fun time! After doing that for a long time, (and it was fun running through the grass, watching the flies all pop up like grasshoppers) we stopped, and decided that the bug population had gone down a little bit.
Anyway, I just now thought of that, and I'm glad that there aren't as many of those pesky things in our yard yet, as there was then (I'm just glad that they aren't the giant, biting & blood-sucking horse-flies & deer-flies).

So back to the constant posting.
Today I'm making an Animal Lover record in the history of this blog! I have never made more than 5 posts in one month! but today, that's an exception! I think I'll be posting a lot more often, basically because I don't have much else to do, and because I feel as if blogging is a good, productive type of thing to do. Much better that time-wasting games & social net-work gossiping... (you can read my post titled Social Net-Work Madness, for more input on that).
Besides, don't you enjoy having more to read, and more to read more often? And hopefully, you're rejoicing over my better spelling & punctuation, though I have quite a long way to go yet...
But anyhow, I hope you do enjoy reading this kind of mindless typing & what my fingers have to say -- in contrast to how I'd say it with my mouth. I've often found that typing things can be a better way to talk, purely because you can undo errors, and put words in better form, and make it sound the right kind of personality that you want it to be. That when it comes to presenting it, I sounds better to the one who is listening to it ...or in this case, reading it.
But maybe, that's the reason why people have struggles with communication...
I have an example of that:
A couple hours ago, I was up in the Sissu tree, just enjoying myself, reading, but also feeling a little lonely as I often do (although my very thoughtful dog will stay in the side-yard as near as that gate as he can so as to keep me company). So then the neighbor drives up in her nice white car, and opens up the door. This neighbor is one of the only people who have actually seen me climb up and get out of the tree. So I thought I'd say good afternoon to her.
"Good Afternoon!" I said
Then I see her look around, trying to figure out where the voice came from.
"Up here" I explained with a little laugh.
But uhh... nope! She still just looked around on the ground, and I guess she decided that she was hearing someone else's conversation.
The worst thing about that, was that it made me feel pretty dumb-sounding. You know how your voice never comes out in the sound that you want it to? Well it does that all the time to me, especially when I haven't spoken in a long time...

See what I mean? there's a great example of miss-communication!
I often see how other people are not communicating right, but almost never see it in myself until it too late! Pitiful! So maybe that's because of the way that us people, who live in what we call a civilized nation, hook ourselves up to gadgets that let us type, and then re-type our thoughts and words. And then, when we actually use the vocal cords that God gave us, maybe we don't realize until it's too late to 'backspace', 'italicize', & punctuate our errors.
But then maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself.

So the morals of this post are these:
#1. Know that my posts will be pouring on you quite often.
#2. Beware of fly-season.
#3. Before talking to people out of a tree, please try not to make a fool of yourself like I did (this is a warning).
#4. We should fear the future of communication, if the future of the world is to have people hooked up to their little gadgets all the time.

Oh! and one more thing, tomorrow I plan to make a post about a new book that I'm reading (thanks Mrs. C for reminding me about Jo's Boys in one of your comments!).
Of course, that's only a plan, and even though I don't plan to get abducted by aliens from Neptune tomorrow, I could still happen (on second thought, I don't think it could because aliens don't exist, but oh well...).


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