Sunday, May 15, 2011

AL? and Other Things

I've been thinking about this for a long time:
It appears that when I do the little '-A.Lover' or 'A.L.,' standing for Animal Lover, it looks like my name is Al (confusing sentence). Ehhhh, not so... My name (first/last) does have an A & an L, but not enough to use as a name name.
But, as a blog-code-name type of thing, I suppose I could be 'Al' or, to be even correct: 'AL.' ...Not really a great name in my opinion though...
So call me whatever: Animal Lover, A.Lover, A.L., AL, Al, or 'the nerdy person who writes on her blog, loves animals, and is a 'Chronicles of Narnia geek...
Well, I dunno, maybe I'm not really nerdy. I just try to be funny, and come out a little like a geek and nerd. Oh well, it's not that I really mind being geekish...

Have you noticed that I use '...' a lot? I've already mentioned that I like to use it, (in one of my other posts a little while ago), but I think I'm using it even more now. I think it must be because I really do trail off in what I say (either that or I start mumbling what I say).

Today I got up, went to Sunday School, studied the book of James, (great bible study today Mr. R.G.), went to church service, Pastor C. had us look in 1 Peter 5:6-7; and we went through being humble, submissive, and what the reward for doing that will be, then I went into the little courtyard-grassy-spot in between church buildings participated in the 'All Church BBQ' (participated as in eating stuff), after that I observed my youth pastor getting dunked in one of those dunk-tank-hit-the-target-with-the-softball-and-youth-pastor-goes-screaming-down-in-75-degree-water things (actually, he didn't really go screaming down, but it makes it sound more dramatic), and after that, I left church and went to our friend's relatives house to celebrate their 25 anniversary, and in doing so, I ate a whole lot more good things, and learn how to play 'Crud' (a game that you play on a pool table with billiard-balls), and now I'm home! (and after a bit of struggling with my computer, and trying to reconnect the Internet, I'm blogging!).
Long day, but it was tons of fun!
And the day's not even over yet!

I'm thinking about putting on one of those 'followers' things on my gadget-sidebar. That way I could know exactly who was really interested in my blog ...well, if they pressed the little 'follow' button anyway... But then, it would probably only have two people at the most, so maybe I'll wait on that (many thanks to my readers! who are few, but faithful!).

And now I think that this post is coming to an end. Though I have no idea what I'll do when I'm done with writing it. Probably fiddle with something else on one of my blogs...

See ya!
-Animal Lover, A.Lover, A.L., AL, Al, or N/G blogger (not really liking that last one...)

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