Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Not much. 'Nuff said.

Oh. Hi.

I'd like to start this post off by telling you that if you sat back and watched a single day of my life from start to finish and happened to pick February 19, 2013, you would be horrifically board.
I mean really REALLY board.
I. Have. No. Life.

That aside, Anthem Lights = da bomb.
(Yes Lauricia, I wholeheartedly join you and the rest of the Lightbulbs. ;)

Not very recent, but I seriously love this mash-up. I basically have it on repeat.

Ooh...And the Avatar, The Last Airbender series. I should mention those.
Funny---I'm not a fan of many cartoons. And I don't really get anime (although drawing it is fun). But this innocent little cartoon series is rather hilarious. Albeit, it takes a while to really warm up to it, but after you do warm up to the series, you really can't stop watching them.
 Airbending rocks the world. 

The conclusion of this meaningless post: Tuesdays are very, very slow days.

Things should pick up tomorrow.


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