Monday, July 23, 2012

"You Spawn Conflict!"

Me: *dies in laughter by falling off stairs*

Oh sigh. You just had to be the the same pair of converse as I to understand that last bit there. Life wings you a lot of funny moment with a lot of funny people.
Anyway, I have one of those hunches that I'll be busy this week, thus, I decide to chip in a few words at present.

This I post to you, in light that I'm a YouTube stalker.
(Note: the "new record" that is chattered about in this video is actually 2011's All Things Bright and Beautiful---his newest one, The Midsummer Station, is scheduled to make it's debut on August 14, 2012)

I'll say it right now: this should be packaged up, addressed, and sent to me with the label: "INSPIRATION/ASPIRATION" doodled all over it in red sharpie.

I love you guys, because though you are not many, you are still there. =)
And that means plenty to my little daydreaming heart.

From Where You Cometh

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