Monday, August 8, 2011


This is a continuation of my last post.

...In other words, don't read this until you've read 100...


Not kidding.

Don't read this until you've read that.

No, really, I mean it.

Why are you questioning this??

...Okay, I will stop being in your face now.
100 things about myself: continued

51) I'm very tired at the moment.

52) One of my favorite verses in the bible is Isaiah 40:31 - Those who trust in the LORD renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk, and not grow faint.

53) I ate bacon today.

54) I love bubble wrap ...ahh, the little pleasures in life...

55) I like to chew and suck on ice.

56) I never did learn how to swim the right way, so I adapted, and I've always done it my own way. (growing up in a hot, desert of a city, almost everyone has a pool or goes to a public pool that's around town).

57) I don't think I've ever been out of the United States before... ...It would be neat to go to New Zealand though...

58) I need to go turn the fan on in the room.

59) I love Focus on The Family, Radio Theater Books!!
These thing are really neat! I listened to The Chronicles of Narnia as a Radio Theater book wayyyy before I ever actually read the book book. And I think that might be one reason why I love them so much.
I would strongly recommend you check 'em out. Especially if you like literature.
At their website, they have freebies that you can listen to, including (listed are my favorites):
  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Magician's Nephew
  • The Secret Garden
  • Luke Reports (these are very interesting, because they are radio theater dramas about the disciple Luke, writing the book of Luke, that's found in the bible. The Luke Reports take you into what it was like to be a reporter of history back in the first century ...really neat stuff...)
and a bunch of other random things that you can hear for free. I like radio theater because, instead of having a voice read it to you, you actually hear everything: the sound effects, the different people, the music, the background noise... Everything!!
 The freebies only last for a limited time, and then they are replaced by new ones, so the ones that I've listed won't be there forever.
So check it out if you have a minute!

60) One time, I fell out of a tree.

61) Now today is 8/7/11.

62) ...In fact, today is my birthday.

63) Today at my church is was Promotion Sunday.

64) I seem to have gotten mysterious bug bites that make a perfect X or a cross on my wrist.

65) I defiantly enjoy good chicken noodle soup.


67) One of my favorite smells is the smell of a new book when it's opened.

68) I really don't like libraries compared to bookstores.

69) My dog likes to eat bees.

70) ...He also likes to eat honeysuckle flowers.

71) I think that this post of things about me is getting stretched to thing that are going on around me.

72) I am wearing a new pair of shoes.

73) I love to laugh and make other people laugh.
...unfortunately, it is rare is I can think of a funny thing to say at just the right time (this bugs me a lot).

74) I am one of those people who come back with the perfect retort or sarcastic reply eight hours after I need it, while I'm lying in bed recapping my night.

75) I often re-talk and re-live certain conversations that I've had with other people, only I change a few things that I said to things that I wished I had said.
...Does that even make sense??

76) I don't really like making phone calls.

77) I once dialed a wrong number, and ended up talking to a guy named Mike.

78) Manikins creep me out sometimes.
...Every once in a while I envision that they're real people (this happens because of the time I was posing by a statue that turned out to be a person dressed up as a statue can imagine how that ended...).

79) I think skater shoes look cool.

80) A few of the movies that I remember watching when I was little are: The Land Before Time, Veggie Tales, and The Fox and The Hound.

81) I don't like chewing gum.

82) I like to watch fire (not as a wild-fire, or something catastrophic like that, but in a fire pit or the like). Something about it, as it dances and flickers, showing of vibrant lights and colors sorta inchants me, and inspires me.

83) You've probably noticed this, but I like to use ... when I'm writing my thoughts out on my blog(s). I think this is because that's the way that I really actually think.
...And sometimes I talk like that too.

84) I am very proud of myself for getting to #84 already.

85) I often like to braid embroidery floss in a bunch of different ways and make bracelets and stuff like that.

86) I prefer to use pens over pencils.

87) However, if I do need to use a writing utensil that erases, I like to use mechanical pencils.

88) I write with my left hand (though I'm better with my right hand then most people are with their left), eat with both hands, and I'm generally dominate with with my right side for everything else.

89) When this blog was first made, I originally called it, intending it to be a sort of website where people could learn about horses and stuff like that.
...Boy did that get changed around!

90) My current thoughts: ...ten more things to go... ...just ten more... ...almost over... ...ten more things, c'mon...

91) I have a good-sized collection of Breyer horses sitting here in my room with me.

92) I like places with more light shining through, compared to places that are dark.

93) If it suddenly gets cloudy on a nice, sunshineish day, my mood changes quite quickly.

94) I love to read the comics in the newspaper every day. Fortunately, we have a subscription to the daily news in paper-form to be delivered right to our driveway.

95) I think M'n'ms are better than Skittles... It's strange how the look alike and taste so different!

96) I once was in a contest at my church youth group where our team had to be the first team to eat a whole jar of Skittles... this is much harder than it sounds (have you ever taken the time to notice how chewy those little things are???)... but we WON!

97) I often feel this strange urge to blow something up and build it back together again, only improving it in the process.
...After receiving this feeling, I find myself re-arranging my room...

98) I like chocolate covered potato chips.

99) My favorite number is 99!

100) I have written down 100 things about myself!!! And in doing so, completed my mission...
...But this feels wrong. This is now my 101th post... (since it's the second half)...

101) I am now very proud of my self for finishing.

Thanks for reading!

Your 101th poster,
Animal Lover - Plink.

From Where You Cometh

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