Thursday, November 20, 2008

Falling (it happens) and other horse stuff

Hi it's about time I tell you what happened the day that I was so exsited about riding. I fell off Demi!! But you know, it happens! and thats why I'm gonna show you some tips about falling of.
1: If you feel yourself falling then try to tuck up into a ball. That's what jockeys do to avoid being trampled by other horses in a race. Don't try to put your hands out underneath you because you might break your arms and wrists.
2: When you are falling make shore you let go of the reins, because if you do you will get dragged behind the horse of they will break.
3: This might seam kinda funny but you should probably practice falling off! Try standing up and falling onto the ground.
More later gator!!
( even though I know you aren't a gator!! ) PS: I'm going to O.K. ( Oklahoma ) for Thanksgiving.

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