Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Power Down

When I was nine, I started a blog. It was my dad's idea.

I wrote about my world, my life, my dog, and my opinions. I wasn't allowed to post pictures of myself or use my real name.

I spent hours designing and redesigning my pages, reading other blogs, and editing my own posts. I blame Blogspot for educating me in elementary English. I posted embarrassing poems and awkward brain drool--none of which I'm proud of, but plenty of which I now become nostalgic over.

I guess eventually I earned a following of 20 or so people. I don't really understand why. In my experience, blogs are most interesting when the author shares his or her exciting personal experiences, interesting insights, or holds a sparkling comedic flair.

Nope, nope, and nadda.

When I was fifteen, I stopped blogging. It slowly tapered off, like a tap drying up.

Real Life took over, and I found that I couldn't blog about Real Life in a way that felt genuine or comfortable. And, okay, I'm not going to lie--Real Life is usually pretty awesome.

But I didn't want to write about it. I couldn't.

And so my blog--this blog--has descended onward to an everlasting hiatus, void of ownership and vacant of use.

Now I'm nearly seventeen, and I finally remembered my username and password and hacked my way back into this account.


And so much has happened. And so much will continue to happen. But it won't be recorded here.

Kismint the blog is hereby retired. But maybe one day I'll start up a new web journal, and we'll have all kinds of fun digging through my cranial crevices.

Thank you friends who have read, commented, and stuck with my through my blogging adventures. You are lovely people who have encouraged me more than you know.

But don't panic! I'm not dropping off the interwebs! I'm only switching gears to a new creative field. I frequent the instagrams and the youtubes (*proudly hoists DSLR*), and would be thrilled to have you come by and say hello from time to time. :)

Also, I've updated my photography page, and while I'm not sure how long that will last, I am enjoying the new grounds of my weebly portfolio.

So this is it.
New adventures soon to come!

I lay this blog to rest.


with sentiment, 
God bless,

From Where You Cometh

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