Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Dear, Did You Know About The Insect Metropolis That's Taking Abode In Our Family Room?..."

\ = (

Yeah. We have ants. And problems with them.
...So I executed Code "Wipe-Out".
---Which includes a vacuum cleaner.

After playing exterminator, I got distracted after waltzing outside and started to take pictures.

I have 1,398 pictures in one folder of My Documents alone.

 And I like to play with them on Picasa

Speaking of pictures, I have hockey videos.
CLARIFICATION: Youth group Hockey Championship videos. We Sharkipedes didn't make it all the way, but we were beat by the best in our second game and their first. It went like this:

5:00 - Trashers VRS. Sharkipedes
6:00 - Winner of 5:00 Game VRS. Twisted
7:00 - Shell Shocked VRS. Lone Rangers
8:00 - Winner of 7:00 Game VRS. Winner of 6:00 Game

And it turned out like this:

5:00 - Trashers VRS. Sharkipedes
6:00 - Sharkipedes VRS. Twisted
7:00 - Shell Shocked VRS. Lone Rangers
8:00 - Twisted VRS. Shell Shocked

Good job Twisted!

On a completely different note...

I have to go do school.


I wanted to see if the HTML link would work.

Visit here to see the explanation of why Mr. Young is singing a Ricky Nelson song.

I still cannot fathom why on earth Fireflies had to be his most popular song. I quoteth my brother when I say: "His voice is so monotone in that one..."


From Where You Cometh

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