Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There and Back Agin

Well here I am again writing a post before the AWANA closing ceremonies! So you can plainly see that the title is about how I wrote a post like this a year ago. This is my last year so next year I get to go to the youth group which is for older kids. I'm sad and excited because my friends are already in youth so I can join them! But I've been in the children's department for years and years. Oh, another reason for the title is because I finished JRR Toliken's 'The Hobbit' or 'There and Back again'. I have to admit that book is REALLY good so now I'm reading 'The Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring'! I love the movies but I never did read the books. Speaking of books, I finally got to read 'The Lightning Thief' and the sequels of that book. I do think that the book is a little better but they are so different it's hard to compare!! So that's What I've been busy with!

See ya!

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