Monday, June 4, 2012

The Art Of Dentistry

In this fair portion of land that I take abode in, we have a certain currency that take form in The Edible.

Yes, it is in this case that, indeed, when talking of "the dough" you are very much referring to THE DOUGH. And while some choose to overlook this important fact, it remains a simple element of truth that the floury substances are of utmost value. Drooling over your new purple cardigan sweater is not unheard of when speaking of this particular delicacy. Many a humbled hand weaves the fibers of its essence into a shape of taste bud galor. Into oblivion you sink, drifting in and out of dreamy mush and pastry delight. Such a wonderfulness! O, to spread upon the sheet of perfection a slab of whatever seems fit, only to devour in a moment's notice.
For as they say: A fool and his money are soon parted. And baby: this stuff will make a fool outta you. At first glance it looks naught but a piece of flatness. The parchment of the oven. And scarce else. Nevertheless, humankind need not be reminded after first bite the beauty of the soft grains that so splendidly conduct themselves to create a blast of otherwise unobtainable flavor.
Perhaps it's not perfectly clear in your mind what I'm speaking of.

I'm talking about tortillas.

Alas, the plastic wrapped plastic encasing the pale goodness becomes lighter. For our family is well acquired with the art of purchasing the latter:
Eat, or it will be eaten.

Apart from that, I just got back from the dentist.

Somehow inserting this song in accordance to this post seems perfectly cliched. But ya'know what? The above song states---to a T---what I was feeling on this particular trip to the dentist.

Let's be honest now, I love my dentist. I mean, he was our family dentist before I was even associated with a family. However, as it seems there really is a first time for everything, I got a cavity (yes, angel child me...can you believe it?).

And I am oh so afraid of needles.

And numbing requires needles.

And drilling a hole in your tooth requires numbing.

And a cavity requires drilling a hole in your tooth.

Ugh. I haven't had to be suck with a needle since I was six years old. Fear reeeeeally feeds on time. I mean reeeeeeeally. Who was the sick person who had the idea to intentionally puncture themselves with a skinny piece of steel anyway?? And get this: it hurts less when they shoot you with the numbing stuff if they insert it slowly.

Okay, so this is like, PROLONGED MENTAL TORTURE!!!

It really is. Pinch me as hard as you can and I'll be fine with it (yes, this has been tested many-a-time), but pull out a teeny lil' pricker and announce to me that it will only cause a slight pinching discomfort and I go nuts in the head.

Actually, I'm already nuts in the head. But I suppose the figure of speech is what counts.

After the seconds of injecting the numbing venom stuff, my lip feels like it's going through a mildly catastrophic acid wash (tingling, burning, simulation of that weird swelling feeling, the like). But from there, the drill was just fine. In fact, it was almost nice to think of my pearly whites being cleanses by that demolition of tooth structure.

Tho now bi lib id regainding id's conthciouthneth.

I only got freaked out once I was in the car and I tried to pinch myself. I also keep having flashbacks of that small---nearly imperceptible little twinge of that skewer in my gum. It makes me shudder.

Somebody throw me on a rollercoaster.

From Where You Cometh

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