Today is a catch-up day.
Note that I did not say ketchup day... ...However, for your information, this post has nothing to do with ketchup.
And that was rather random.
Moving on.
I've been writing a good amount of posts more often, true. But I never seem to type down all that I want!
For example, Mrs. Crickl was wondering how to put pages on your blog. And I'm really really sorry that I haven't gotten to that sooner! Please forgive me!
Another example: I have a bunch of great pictures to put on here for your viewing, and yet, they never seem to quite make it in the end. Laaaaaaazy...
...This is about ??? minutes/hours later, and after saving all that I could on this post, I copied and pasted all that I had written from my posting place to Word Pad. Apparently blogger suddenly had technical issues which is leaving me unable to log in or edit or save or publish things??? Not good. So, just so that you know, I did have more to this post, but it never got saved. And is now lost forever in blogger-space.
And now I am writing this on Word Pad.
Things change very quickly.
And now I will inform you bloggers how to put pages on your blog.
How to make separate pages on your blog:
Step one:
Once at your dashboard, click 'New Post'
Step two:
Once you get to 'New Post' go up to the left-hand corner where it says something like New Post, Edit Posts, Edit Pages, and then click 'Edit Pages.'
Step Thee:
It will say that you haven't made a page yet, (unless you have) and ask you if you want to, so then just click 'Create Page.'
Step Four:
Choose which way you want to edit your page. There is the HTML way, or the Compose way. These are positioned in the right-hand upper corner of the window.
Step Five:
After creating your page, and titling it, and all that fun stuff, remember to publish it. When you publish it, the thingy will ask you how you want to position it. If you position it at the top of your blog, it will be in a 'tab-like' form, but if you position it on your sidebar(s) it will be in a 'list-like' form.
PS: After making pages, you can change how and where you order and display them in the Design part of your dashboard. They'll show up as gadgets.
So there you have it. The very simple way to make separate pages on your blog.
And now onto the next subject.
I wonder when I'll be able to actually post this? The bloggy-support said that you could only read blogs and not edit or post any comments on them ...but it never said for how long. Today is May 12, 2011, I wonder what day it will be when I will be able to copy and paste it down on my 'New Post' window...
Anyhow, I'd like to show you some neat pictures I took of Arlo two days ago.
...Oh wait, how do you put pictures on Word Pad?
Well, never mind then.
And now that I have plenty of room to type and 'catch-up' I am blank and boring. Must be Word Pad influencing me.
I'll get back to you later,