Saturday, June 18, 2011

Brushing Teeth With The Stars

My title box is still floating around somewhere where I can't find it.
...pout, pout, pout pout, pout,...

And now to tell you yesterday night's story, and this morning's story (they kinda go together).

Oh, but first I must say: HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD!

I have never before brushed my teeth in our backyard, using the spicket as a faucet.

...But I did today!

A great accomplishment.

I was just multitasking: brushing my teeth, while working on a Father's Day card on the computer. When, unfortunately, someone stole the bathroom. This would normally be okay, but both the bathrooms were occupied. And people were taking a shower in both.
I'm brushing my teeth!

Of course, I could have used the kitchen sink, but it was full of dishes ...And that would just be disgusting.

So I simply went outside, and finished up with the spicket on the side of the house.

What an exciting Saturday morning.

...I'm really stretching it on what my posts are about, aren't I?

Well, that was this morning, but yesterday night, I found that brushing your teeth outside under the stars, with no porch lights, is really neat.
...Well, maybe that great, but I always like to look up a the sky, and nighttime is a great time to do it, since there are stars out. It gives me a sense of peace I guess. And even if your neighbor's lights are on, and you live in a big city, if you look hard, I'll bet you can see at least one little sparkle in the sky.
It might remind you of all the beauty in the universe, the God made, and man has never seen up close.

Reminds me of the part in the movie, The Return of The King:

"Look Mr. Frodo! There is light, and beauty up there, that no evil can touch..."

It's nice... even if you share it with a toothbrush.

That's all I got for today,
See ya!
-Animal Lover

From Where You Cometh

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