Friday, November 30, 2012


My math lesson is entitled: "Masquerading as a Second Degree". Great. Guess what song gets stuck in my head.

Masquerade by The Phantom Of The Opera Cast on Grooveshark


Don't we just love math time?


elizabeth said...

lol that is awesome. I've had numerous annoying songs stuck in my head all morning...I almost wish it was Phantom of the Opera instead (hmmm...I need to finishing reading that so I can watch the movie...)


Anonymous said...

Prayed for you. You can do it!!

Kismint said...

@ Ely:
Yeah...there is ALWAYS a song, right? At any given moment of the day, I will have some sort of tune playing ring-around-the-rosie in my head.

But Masquerade isn't a bad song. And actually, I was blessed enough to get to go and see The Phantom' at Broadway. 'Twas very cool!

@ Lauricia:
Haha, thanks for the support. Math is tough, but I am determined to prove tougher. ;)

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