Monday, April 30, 2012

Guess What Plink-a-Dink Learned How To Do!

 Thank you Dad for teaching me how to use the scanner!
Now I can display my doodles...and you can laugh at my pathetic form of "talent"!

Anyhow, this is my tree house (for you, dearst L/K =) ).
---I wish.
I'm not sure exactly how the staircase begins. Either it spirals down to the ground, or it comes from another tree, or something else. You tell me. The shape of the little hut that sits in the limbs is pack-man shaped. Completely rounded, and with at least one window (as shown in the front). I went with something like terra-cotta tiles for the shingles. Normally I don't like these rounded tiles as opposed to the flat, rectangular clay ones that we have in our neighborhood, but round ones are more fun to draw. There's a hole in the roof with a ladder leading up to the wooden deck about. Once again, completely rounded wood work (totally shows off the workmanship of the carpenter!), and really, you could keep placing ladders up and up to limb to limb, until you reach the twigs at the top.
So there it is.
And it might be obvious to you that my inspiration was pulled from Lothlorien.

(Entitled: Goodbye Regret)
So this one could have turned out a LOT better. I could not for the life of me get Georgie's hair to look like anything besides ratty...umm...rat tails (and shading her face just did not work). And I've always struggled with proportions, so certain parts on both of their faces are either wayyy to big or really teeny. I like the way I was able to shade in Skander's face, but the face itself doesn't look anything like him.
Anyhow, I feel like if I had spent another few hours---or days---it would have turned out a lot better (I used the same pencil, so I didn't make the darks really dark---which make always seems to REALLY improve pictures).

Here's the original:

(From The Voyage of The Dawn Treader 2012 film)

More sketches later!
Gotta go and grab my dinner before certain person get to it before me.



Anonymous said...

Awe, dedicated to me? Its a gorgeous "tree house"!! You did really well! I luv it!

And the other drawing was great too. Want me to tell you a story about my most recent drawing adventures? Well I take voice lessons and one day my voice teacher looked up at me (like she had some crazy plan cooking) and asked me casually: "Do you draw Lauricia." OH NO! I don't draw! In-fact its not even a hidden desire. I. Just. Don't. Draw. "Uh...Not really. No." I replied, hoping that something so simple would end so simple. But it didn't. "I'd like you to draw what you see when you sing this song." (WHAT?!) I was of course freaking out, because what I saw was the words I was singing, and it was all about under the sea stuff. Corals, mermaids, sea stuff. I couldn't do that. Anyway, I had to draw it, forgot about it though, and remembered at the last minute and began drawing fish...And whatever that green and pink thing in my drawing was. It looked like a three yr olds drawing. I was plain embarrassed and sort-of upset.....And that was that. I am not an artist, but you are good. :) Keep up the good work!

God bless,

Kismint said...

Aww, thank you (Your comments make me so happy and smiley!! =D ).

I'm glad you like it, though sometimes it seems to me that it looks like a...a...little adobe packman shoved in a dying tree.

...which it kinda it, but oh well.

Oh that's too funny!
In a totally embarrassing way... ;)
I like the way your voice teacher thinks. I whish I could draw better things straight from my mind, but I normally need a picture to look at first (which makes me proud of my treehouse because I did that from my head--yayyyyy!).

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad. :) Your comments make me happy too. (*grumble* until she decided to bring up Taylor swift in my comment box. ;) Jk.)

Yeah...I figured out yesterday that I didn't only sign up for singing lessons. It seems drama classes and drawing lessons have been incorporated. ;) The two things that definitely get Lauricia a bit freaked out....Especially in-front of one lady, who does slightly intimidate her ;)
She's a sweetheart though...And I know she's probably just tryin' to get me out'a my shell.

I know what your talking about. Its hard to put what you see in your head down on paper. So everything that I drew wasn't really what I saw when I sang. Oh Well!

Still, I think ya did a good job. :)


crickl's nest said...

I love it Plink! I didn't know you were an artist, did I??

Glad you learned how to use the scanner. You did a great job on these and I love tree houses!

<3 crickl

Kismint said...

Mrs. Crickl:
Yup. Ever since I could draw I'd shower my parents with silly little doodles.
But it wasn't until a few months ago that I really learned to sketch people portraits (which I used to stink at).

'Tis a great enjoyment o' mine.


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