Saturday, April 19, 2014

in my head

let's fall in love and eat cold pizza for breakfast every weekday of our lives.
  let's go somewhere where the grass is green, the trees are leafy, and the scent of caramel lattes tantalizes our taste buds. you can read me random pages from your favorite book and i'll teach you to memorize the eternal digits of pi. we can write songs about changing seasons and the way it feels to walk barefoot in the springtime. and i'll take pictures in my mind. and you'll take pictures with your phone. and we'll argue over how classy black and white is and whether or not indie music even belongs to a genre. you'll try to impress me with your cheesy Popsicle stick jokes, and i'll continue to groan over them until you finally give up and start trying me with riddles instead.
  and at night was can top the bridge that spans the highway, and cross our eyes to blur the traffic beneath us. every headlight will become a shooting star, whizzing down Main beneath the city sky.

it sounds like paradise.

but paradise is only fantasy.

which is why you only exist

                                    in my head.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Living in Lime

Spring means sniffing the air and feeling burning pollen being siphoned in and out your lungs. Spring means waking up that much earlier every morning because the sun decided he should be more active now that this whole daylight savings time has switched over again. Spring means shorts and tank tops and relearning what it's like to sweat all day long because you're just *that* stubborn and can't bring yourself to crank on the AC.
Spring means green pools.
Green leaves.
And yellow streets.

We're living in lime.

But what is green without yellow? And what would poor yellow do without green? They belong with each other, like peas in a pod and corn on the cob.

Springtime is when I remember what it's like to be excited for new things. There's so much newness. Some if it's mildly frightening and some of it's downright terrifying. But when I look back at all the scary new things in my life, I've started to realize that they've become normal, not-scary old things. And I'm glad for them.

What's a year without spring?
What's a life without newness?

So while you all enjoy sitting back and enjoying nice springness with your dainty little glasses of iced tea, I'll be sitting on my bedroom floor trying to accept the fact that I'm being broiled alive. And while I'm doing that, I'll be thinking really deep metaphorical things about more lifey things to blog about.

Because sometimes we all need to take a moment to be deep and metaphorical. It's good for the soul.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Synopsis

The Winter Soldier: a synopsis by Kismint Plinkadink

Captain America is at it again in this 2 hour and 30 minute trailer for the next Marvel movie. This time, he doesn't know who he can trust. His best mate is now a brain washed ninety year old who happens to randomly be programed to murder him. On top of that, the shady, super secretive, ultra-security spy agency that builds mega weapons and hires the world's deadliest assassins to do their dirty work turns out to be *gasp* NOT ALL THAT IT SEEMS. Join the Cap as he gets things blown up, gets innocent bystanders shot, and dramatically inserts USB flashdrives and SD cards into miscellaneous computer devices.

Steve Rodger's muscle shirts
Amy Pond
Mace Windu
A guy who conveniently happens to own a winged jetpack
Edward Elric
That girl from How I Met Your Mother
 and Donald Trump

I was going to write a review, but I'll leave it at this for tonight. ;)

 WARNING: by reading this you are subjecting yourself to SPOILERS. Lot of them. And very juicy ones. All concerning Marvel movies. THESE SPOILERS WILL NOT BE FOREWARNED. THEY COULD JUMP OUT AT YOU AT ANY MOMENT AND EAT OUT YOUR SOUL. Proceed with *extreme* caution.

I saw Captain America today.

This is a review. Complete with gifs. 

Is it just me, or has NO ONE in the cast of any of Marvel's movies died? Sure, there have been plENty of fake deaths, but aliens have attacked, almighty terrorists have arisen...and yet all of our beloved friends from the good ol' Marvel gang are still around to throw a few more punches (and earn the franchise a few million more dollars). Perhaps I'm missing someone. But I doubt it. This whole I-died-but-wait-it's-just-a-cover-thing has me really discouraged. And don't even get me started on Coulson.
Sure, the entire fandom is happy that ((oh surprise)) he's still alive and well (and also heading a random spinoff TV show, no less). But once is enough. Both Thor 2: The Dark World and Winter Soldier have pulled unacceptably silly amounts of Coulsons.

So that became an ongoing annoyance. 
Maybe I'm just too used to Moffat's story telling style...because seriously, I was hoping for a few traumatic deaths that would leave me heartbroken. But nope.

 When going to superhero movies, one must always prepare for excessive explosions. There were plenty of those. I only wish that there might have been a more moving impulsion of character behind said explosions. I really had a hard time caring about the characters when all they did was chase each other around while playing dodgeball with hand grenades. 

However, in all fairness, we do get to see some nice development on behalf of Black Widow/Agent Romanoff. Which was nice...but seriously, does she like, suddenly possess a magical hair straightener? When does she even have time to do her hair? Or shop for trendy, top dollar outfits to wear while saving the world with miniture tasers.

But Steve Rodgers *does* maintain his rich historical background. I especially enjoyed his moments of reflection to his life prior to being dug out of preservation. Romanoff's attempts to find him a date was a good bit of comic relief. And a favorite scene of mine was the "would you trust me to save your life the way you saved mine" part. The whole story was saturated with compromises and trust issues, and it was nice to see that Steve had allies, despite the return of Hydra.

Speaking of, the Hydra people were alright. 

Which leads us to Bucky. 
Oh Bucky. 
You could have been great. You could have been the most vibrant vilian of them all. 



Captain America is at it again, and this time, he doesn't know who he can trust. His best friend who is brain washed and ninety years old who happens to be programed to murder him. On top of that, the shady, super secretive, ultra security agency that builds mega weapons and hires the world's deadliest assassins to do their dirty work turns out to be *gasp* evil. Join the Cap as he gets things blown up, gets innocent bystanders shot, and dramatically inserts USB flashdrives and SD cards into miscellaneous computer devices.

Steve Rodger's muscle shirts
Amy Pond
Mace Windu
A guy who just happens to own a winged jetpack
Edward Elric
That girl from How I Met Your Mother
 and Donald Trump

Bucky saves the day moment.
Agent Hill
Shield development
Peggy's scene
Steve/Tasha car scene
Who do you trust? (apartment and "I would now")

Nobody dies: Fury, Rom, Steve, Bucky etc...
Steve takes out an entire aircraft singlehandedly...?
Rom's hair
Falcon's helicopter plunge
Falcon's wings (cool, but...wha in da werld?)
Thousand foot drops
Camera actions shots

To mention:
Car chase...well done, but really now.
Arnim Zola
Twins/quicksilver and scarlet witch
Bucky = new cap

Alternate ending:  ...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Take Me

We were children.

We used to tie kite strings to our wrists and run up and down the old field at the end of the avenue, thinking that if the wind willed, we could fly. And on the still days, when the branches hung low and silent, we'd spin around in circles until the world was pulled out from beneath our feet. We'd fall to our knees, collapsing with giggles as the earth became a temporary freak of a carousel. Take me back to the grass stains. Back to when we'd spend our evenings in the dirt piles, looking for earthworms. Back to when we'd dance the jitterbug under the sprinklers in my neighbor's front lawn as the plastic flamingo watching our every twist. I want to go back to the time we built a fort with the couch cushions and spilled the paint buckets on the the front porch. I want to feel the way I did when we launched ourselves off the swings in the park with fingers laced together. We both laughed and we both screamed because the sand tore our skin when we landed.
 And we landed hard.

But if you can't take me back, take me forward.

Take me to the future, where we both grow up and pay taxes and eat ramen every night. Take me to the day when you go furniture shopping for your new apartment and you ask me to come along so that together we can jump on all the mattresses at IKEA. You'll think I'm weird for liking the fake cowhide rug and I'll be silently judging you for your obsession with the tacky purple paint color you've grown so terribly fond of. And someday I'll be working and you'll be working and we'll both take a moment to realize how sad it is that there are no longer any scabs on our elbows or scratches on our cheeks. Take me to the moment when I'm by myself in the dark, feeling overwhelmed by a world that is making me feel small. That's when I'll call you up and we'll kill a few nighttime hours talking about our stupid problems. That's when you'll tell me the old stories, the ones about us and our adventures.

The adventures of our childhood.

But please don't take me very much farther into the future. Please not too far ahead. When I'm old and I forget

 what is was

       to be young

              to dream dreams

                     to dance in the sprinklers

        and to jump off of the swings.

Please don't take me into the far future. The future where you leave and I'm left behind. Because I couldn't stand that.

And you'd hate to see me cry.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

31st (HD)

The sun is warm.
The grass is cool.
Hello April.
I'm not a fool.

It's beautiful outside.
Goodbye March. We were best of friends.

((yay, it's my guitar debut!! don't mind the squeaking))

From Where You Cometh

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