Friday, April 18, 2014

Living in Lime

Spring means sniffing the air and feeling burning pollen being siphoned in and out your lungs. Spring means waking up that much earlier every morning because the sun decided he should be more active now that this whole daylight savings time has switched over again. Spring means shorts and tank tops and relearning what it's like to sweat all day long because you're just *that* stubborn and can't bring yourself to crank on the AC.
Spring means green pools.
Green leaves.
And yellow streets.

We're living in lime.

But what is green without yellow? And what would poor yellow do without green? They belong with each other, like peas in a pod and corn on the cob.

Springtime is when I remember what it's like to be excited for new things. There's so much newness. Some if it's mildly frightening and some of it's downright terrifying. But when I look back at all the scary new things in my life, I've started to realize that they've become normal, not-scary old things. And I'm glad for them.

What's a year without spring?
What's a life without newness?

So while you all enjoy sitting back and enjoying nice springness with your dainty little glasses of iced tea, I'll be sitting on my bedroom floor trying to accept the fact that I'm being broiled alive. And while I'm doing that, I'll be thinking really deep metaphorical things about more lifey things to blog about.

Because sometimes we all need to take a moment to be deep and metaphorical. It's good for the soul.

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