Friday, February 1, 2013

I Grace Thee With My Presence

Good morning. It's a Friday morning. Usually on Friday mornings I'm still asleep at 8:22. But I figured I'd get a head start on procrastinating.

I have a salad bug for you today. *heh* Good luck trying to decode it. That's like trying to make sense of the quadratic formula.

* * *

A new day and it's time to shoulder the workload and start plotting the destruction of the world. Sounds fun, but how can I be sure that I don't slip and fall in the end? They talk about green leaving the grass and trees leafing, and I don't know which is which and what to do if either or both happen. You confuse me. That's all. You don't bug me. You don't annoy me. You don't irritate me, mock me, or tease me (...well, maybe you do a little of that). No. You confuse me. I'm easily confused.

So I'll kamikaze my way into the world. Don't listen to the explosions out your window, they're just me learning about life. Didn't I warn you? Did I tell you how I twist things like pretzels and spill spaghetti sauce on seat cushions? I explained beforehand: I am a child of mass chaos, so look out. Whatever I lack in sympathy I'll make up for in sarcasm. It's how I roll, you know?

Actually I guess you kind of do know. Either that or you pretend to. You're good at pretending, if you are pretending at all. You've just about got me fooled. Either way I'm getting ready to believe you, because if you are fooling me and yourself, you're a master at that, and I can respect you for it. Sly is my game. Witty is what I do. And even though I fail at both, I can always satisfy myself with the smug retorts I come up with after I close my eyes and prepare to fall asleep each night.

We were missing the stars. I loved the rain, but in the night, there were pinpoints of bright brilliance to be seen. The galaxies could have been colliding and exploding and going kablooie---and we would have missed it all. So silly how we can only see what is on the surface.

Still, rain walks in the dark are nice too.

* * *

That aside, how is life? I understand today is February and a certain few of you may or may not be doing the 100 words in 100 days challenge (from February 1st to March 11). If so, I'll just be standing her with a big banner with the words "YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT" painted in yellow and red. 

By the way, if I were to do a vlog video, would you want me to say anything in particular besides what I may have already planned on saying?

---What? Why ask? reason. ^ _^

'Tis all,


elizabeth said...

oooh...I love this. And I may or may not have a glimmer of an idea of what it means (at least, what it means in my head...)

Yellow and red? Could it be green and purple, pretty please? Dose be my favorites. :) Yeah...I should probably go write something instead of watching the Last Airbender... oh, the joys of being sick... :)

lol yesterday, I almost did a vlog as well, but since I didn't have anything specific to say...I didn't. Oh well. Maybe some other time. :D

Love you,

Kismint said...

Perhaps you do.

Green and purple, hmm? I can do that. ;)

Lauricia Dawn said...

Very interesting....
Even if nothing makes sense, you're just so good with words. haha.
I want to say I know what its about but uh...No.

February. Glad its here finally.

And a vlog....Are you going to do a vlog? Oh, we'd enjoy it, you know.

From Where You Cometh

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