Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Kings and Vagabonds"

Yeah. Pretty much.

I just had one of those "Oh!" moments when learning that Jeremy Irons voices Scar.

"Brisingr means fire---IS fire. Know the word, and you control the thing."


Jack said...

Who is Jeremy Irons?

I love this movie. One of my favourite Disney movies. I am in awe of the plot and wish I had come up with it first.

Aye, Monk needed more seasons. How come all the best shows have a lack of seasons, or seem to?
My family is watchingg Monk now. So once I finish Columbo I plan to watch all the seasons. Not just skip around.

Kismint said...

Alas, he is a talented actor who got stuck playing "Brom" in the stupid (and painfully hilarious) "Eragon" movie (quite a bust).
From the few performances I've seen from him, he's brilliant, but sadly, he's no big-name.

I'm just proud of myself for thinking that yes: this time watching The Lion King, Scar's voice did sound strangely familiar.

It's true. Shows are annoying that way.

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