Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Penny Loafer Saved is a Penny Loafer Earned

This is a tag.
And yes, seeing as I don't own an iPod, I went to and found every Adam Young (A.K.A. Owl City, Sky Sailing, and Port Blue) and Relient K song that I had ever heard and put it on shuffle.

Be shocked with the results. I am.

* * *

If someone says "Are you okay?" you say...
Baby (Outro), by Relient K in Forget and Not Slow Down (Yeah. Pretty much---And this is NOT the Justin Bieber song!!)

What would best describe your personality?
Under the Grand Observation Dome, by Adam Young in The Airship (Okay. Vague. I can take that.)

How would you describe yourself?
I Don't Need a Soul, by Relient K in Forget and Not Slow Down (Doood, This is the best thing ever.)

What do you like in a guy/girl?
Of Japan, by Adam Young in The Albatross EP (Okay, sweet. Somehow this works.)

How do you feel today?
West Coast Friendship, by Adam Young in Maybe I'm Dreaming (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.)

What is your life's purpose?
Vanilla Twilight, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (Drat, I was hoping for something a with a little more clarification. ...Or maybe my purpose in life is to think of others as many times as I blink... *thoughtfully eats more carrot sticks and salsa*)

What's Your Motto?
I Hate Christmas Parties, by Relient K in Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hand (First time listening to this song, and it's so beautiful! And sad. But beautiful anyway. Plus, this oddly makes sense.)

What do your friends think of you?
The Christmas Song, by Adam Young - Single (I love this. I love this so much. Because I think it's true. And that give me a smile from my heart. *wraps arms around self and grins* You guys bless me so much that it's almost overwhelming.) 

What do your parents think of you? 
The Saltwater Room, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (Wait---no---arrgg---wha?? Uhh... *waves hand at parents and smiles painfully* Hi. This is awkwardly ironic.)

What do you think about very often?
I'll Meet You There, by Adam Young in Maybe I'm Dreaming (...No comment. None at all. Not one. Nope. *stares at computer screen with a very very red face*)

What is 2 + 2 equal to?
Rugs From Me To You, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (A question of little sense deserves a likewise answer.)

What do you think of your best friends?
You'll Always Be My Best Friend, by Relient K in The Bird and the Bee Sides (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? WHAT KIND OF COINCIDENCE IS THIS?!! THISISABSOLUTELYAMAZING!!!!!!!!)

What do you think of the person you like?
Faking My Own Suicide, by Relient K in Five Score and Seven Years Ago (Holy cornucopia...)

What is your life story?
Butterflies, by Adam Young in The Albatross EP (More like my life soundtrack. =)

What do you want to be when you grow up?
The Bird and the Worm, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (I can see it now: "Mommy, Daddy! I wanna be a worm when I grow up!!" Yeah: No. Wrong answer.)

What do you think when you see the person you like?
Cave In, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (Strangely enough.... *decides to NOT finish sentence* Har har. ;)

What will you do at your wedding?
Butterfly Wings, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (Apparently either I'll have a day-dreamy wedding full of sweet wishes and starry eyes---OR it will be insect-themed...actually, it'd be cool to have both...)

What will they play at your funeral?
The Silver Lining, by Relient K (*cracks up* I'll be sure to write this in my will. *continues to crack up*)

What is your hobby/interest?
The Grand Staircase, by Adam Young in The Airship (Yup. *flips sunglasses* I'm just one of those types, ya'know? *continues to sway and nod head throughout entire song*)

What is your biggest fear?
Hot Air Balloon, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (The title tells all.)

What is your biggest secret?
Interlude, by Relient K in Two Lefts Don't Make a Right, but Three Do (You don't say...)

What do you want right now?
There was No Thief, by Relient K in The Bird and the Bee Sides (Listen and you know it. Really.)

What do you think of your friends?
The Airway, by Adam Young in Of June EP (Alright, this thing is rigged.)

What's the worst thing that could happen?
Tidal Wave, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (*speechlessly stammers* The fact that this song talks about the worst thing that could happen and then fixes it with the best thing that could happen CAN NOT be a coincidence. No sireee!)

What is the one thing you regret?
Mood Rings, by Relient K in Two Lefts Don't Make a Right, but Three Do (Which part? I regret much of what this song speaks so truly of *snorts with laughter*)

What makes you laugh?
I Live Alone, by Adam Young in An Airplane Carried Me To Bed (More like cry---but that's the next question. This song is beautiful. 'Nuff said.)

What makes you cry?
Jefferson Aeroplane, by Relient K in Two Lefts Don't Make a Right, but Three Do (They do say: "If the shoe fits...")

Will you ever get married?
Captains of the Sky, by Adam Young in An Airplane Carried Me To Bed (*sly smile* YOU tell ME.)

What scares you the most?
Fireflies, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (Okay, admittedly, insomnia is scary. Very scary. ;)

Does anyone like you?
If My Heart Were A House, by Adam Young - Single (>_<)

If you could go back in time, what would you change?
Crayons Could Melt For All I Care, by Relient K (*GASP* *GASP* *GASP* *GASP* *GASP* ---NO STINKIN' WAY!!!!!!!!! ...And for one minute, the world is perfect!!)

What hurts right now?
Umbrella Beach, by Adam Young in Ocean Eyes (I like the way the song talks about longing. I like that a lot.)

What would you want to say to the person who tagged you?
At Least We Made It This Far, by Relient K in The Bird and the Bee Sides (Seeing as I tagged myself with this, it is obvious that in this song I am talking to myself...WHICH IS CREEPISHLY ACCURATE.)

What will you put as the title of this post?
A Penny Loafer Saved is a Penny Loafer Earned, by Relient K in the Bird and the Bee Sides (I couldn't say it any better.)
* * *
Okay, I'm going to be walking around the house with a weird look on my face.
God bless,


elizabeth said...

lol I laughed more reading yours than I did making mine!!!!! The Mood Rings one cracked me(for some odd reason Michael thinks that that is my theme song...not sure what that means... :P) I was the very extremely hyper fourteen year old who spent twenty minutes typing out the lyrics to this song(because I didn't have enough sense to look up the lyrics on the Internet--*headdesk*) to bug my quizzing team. :) Yes, I am nuts.


Kismint said...

The fact that all of these apply to me (and most apply multipul times) completely blows my mind away (and that's exactly what I was hoping for).

Seriously, if anyone ever wanted to get to know lil' K-Minty better, I would advise them to read this post and listen to each song---it tells a lot (if you have a spot for Owl City/Relient K in your heart ;).

If was funny when I would come across a question that I worried about ('cause I wanted them to make as much sense as possible). The "If you could go back in time, what would you change?" question had me concerned. I mean, seriously, what kind of song answers THAT??!

And then the wonderful song about crayons came on.

I exploded.

Regollin said...

My Dad says he wants me to play "where the sun never dies" By Blindside at his funeral, and crank the volume up to max. But it really is an amazing song...

Kismint said...

Oooh, after you mentioned that song, I decided to check it out.

Listening to it now...

Not your traditional funeral song... ^_^

I like it though (very proud of your dad for his good taste in music for melancholy occasions).

Seriously though, I would absolutely LOVE IT if they played The Silver Lining at my funeral. A lot of the song fits. Plus, if they did that, I would be sure that my friends in heaven and I cranked up the same tune and sang with it along with all the people down below.

Yeah...I hope they dance. =)

Anonymous said...

I was about to not answer the funeral question until the nutcracker suit came on....I laughed really hard. I don't like to think of those things to be honest. My mom wants me to play How you live by Point of Grace at her funeral and I just about blew it. I hated that song after she said that. It scared me EVERY single time I heard it. I used to love that song.....Thanks a whole lot mom.... ;)

That was quite funny Kismint....Are you sure it wasn't rigged? I mean what are the chances of getting the answers you did?!

You told me about mood rings once....I got freaked out after listening to it and knowing you thought I was like it. lol. I was like, "Oh no I'm not!" lol.

We should all do round two! lol. Do it all over again, yeah? Who's up for it?

Kismint said...

@ Lauricia:
Well I hope I didn't scare you away from The Silver Lining (but really, I want you guys to play if for my funeral--and crank it up loud!! And be assured that I will be dancing to it...heheheheh. As Tom Sawyer said: "there's nothing so great as being at your own funeral" ;).

The answers were really strange on here. With a few of them, I'm quite sure that there was more to it then just "random shuffle".
And besides, nothing is random, everything is planned out my God.

However, I did end up skipping a few because either they were...
1) Not Owl City or Relient K songs. (I just wanted those two artist, so those were the ones that I specificly added to playlist that day. Unfortunately, I accidently got a few other songs that I had never heard mixed up in there too)


2) It was a repeat. (considering the fact that I had hundreds of songs on there, it was weird that I got repeats...but whatever)

Aside from that though, those are the answers that Grooveshark came up with for me. =)

They made me very happy.

From Where You Cometh

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