Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blog hacking!
This is Ejai here, author of Diving into Chaos.  Kismint just left me alone in her room, so I thought I'd just make a short little post!  Hopefully she doesn't have a problem with it, I have let her hack my facebook a lot.  So, yeah.  That's it.



Anonymous said...

Ooooh aren't you just sneeeaky!!!!

Kismint...Poor kismint...How do you feel about this my dear friend?

*Giggles and then tries to cover it up*

So help me if my friends did that. ;) lol.

The amused,

daNinjaGirl said...

lol K-minty this is why you never let your friends alone with your personal bff somehow got ahold of my wallet and snitched seven dollars from it...she gave it back. :D Don't mess with the NinjaGirl's money. :P

E-jai said...

Haha, she's fine with it; whenever she's over she hacks my facebook account, so now we're even, lol.

Anonymous said...

My neighbour girl once got ahold of my journal, and right as I turned back to her, she had opened it up and was reading something when..."Oh no you don't!!"

Nobody reads Lauricia's journal....

You can never be too sure of leaving other girls alone with your belongings. ;)

Kismint said...

So is this like the kinda thing that you would expect me to do for blog publicity or something?

...Maybe I'm getting desperate. But rest assured, I had nothing to do with this post. =P

Heh. As long as you don't start rattling out my deepest darkest secrets, I'm good with it.

Noooo boody knooooooows...

(Dude, I love that commercial...)

-The One and Only K-Mint Plink-a-Dink

daNinjaGirl said...

lol THC my cousin hacked the facebook of a girl who goes to the same homeschool co-op. She wasn't happy....
Which is why I'm glad I don't have a facebook, because he would definitely take advantage of it... :P
wow! I would be so mortified if someone got ahold of my journal. That would be AWKWARD!!!! :D

E-jai said...

A couple of my friends, usually siblings, have facebook hack battles. One will hack the other and post a status giving themselves a point, and they just go back and forth like that. It's funny!

daNinjaGirl said...


yeah, if I was that technical minded, I would so mess with my bff(the one who pickpocketed my wallet), but I am not. :( Oh well. I can shortsheet her bed. That I am good at. :D

Anonymous said...

Daninjagirl: Yeah..I was slightly perturbed.

I took it away from her and she was like, "Awe, it was just getting good..." Me: "Good?! What did you read?!" Her: "Oh, you'll never know...." I was pretty upset for sure.

Thats why you put journals in the safe, or have a combination lock on them!!!!

P.S. Kismint: your comment thingy on Salad Bugs is doing odd things...It wouldn't let me scroll down enough to post a comment.

daNinjaGirl said...


lol yes. I hide my journal whenever people come over. Not that I actually think they'll snoop, but I'm paranoid that it will fall into the wrong peoples hands... that would be very embarrassing. :D


Kismint said...

Goodness peoples! You are making me wonder what on earth you write! ;)

This blog is my I guess I shouldn't try to stuff it under my pillow. =P

@ Laurica:
I've noticed the comment problem, and I've been having the same issues. If you tinker around with the page (i.e. refresh it, change layout from 'mosiac' to 'classic', etc.) there is a good chance that it will eventually let you scroll.
I'm thinking it's just a Blogspot glitch, but if it doesn't improve soon, I'll wrestle with it, 'k?


daNinjaGirl said...

lol my journal is basically my brain, so all my thoughts go into it. It's also where I go to rage about certain things(like annoying friends, the latest obnoxious Taylor Swift song, and the fact that they do not make skinny jeans that aren't SKINNY for extremely short people...etcetera...) Plus, who likes having their journal read?

I wanna see you put your computer under your pillow...that would be humorous. :P


Kismint said...

Okay, so on another note, I need ya guys to do me a favor. Go and send Regollin an avalanch of comments. I annouced a comment-bombarding (as he seems downhearted that his blog gets a lesser amount of comment... =P ).

Tally ho!

Kismint said...

Oh, and his blog is Monster Chinchilla [, of course].

...Now get thee hence! ^_^

daNinjaGirl said...

I can't post on Regollin's blog. I don't know why. It just says I need to have some sort of account.

Kismint said...

Hmm...Yeah I think he has the anonymous and name/URL disabled.


Oh well.

Regollin said...

Little sisters are big trouble... Acording to this I guess big sisters are too... She is yer big sis right?

Kismint said...

Haha. Nahh...I don't have any sisters (now THAT would be creepy). Ejai---err---THC is just my friend. We hang out often.

...A little too often. ;D

Everybody that we have met (at church, co-op, etc.) have asked if we are sisters (or twins). Apperantly we look alike. Let me assure you that it get's really old explaining for the thousandth time that we are not in any way related.

This is a good thing for me because she is a meeeeeeean older sister to her lil' bro (hahahahah... =D don't kill me no E! Pleeease don't kill meeee!!).

The end. =)

Catcha later!

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