Thursday, May 17, 2012

May Days

I really hate this. ^

Apart from that, I'm doing just fine. Though I'm torn between a few things.

As ya'll know, I'm going to be changing the name of this site to Yeah, well that's all good and jolly, but I'm thinking of doing a few more DRASTIC things.

...Like (*gasp*)
make it a completely new blog and leave this one entirely!!

In addition to that, I'd make one ginormous collaboration of, and into this one blog---making it (as Adam Young once said) a Literary Sandwich of Epic Proportions.

Yes, faithful readers, I believe I have reached a turning point. A sudden urge to reform what I've made myself as a blogger. A sudden aspiration to reach my writing goals through a web log!!

...*sigh*...It all sounds so beautiful... [enter: dreamy look while I sit thoughtfully in my spinny chair]

So maybe I'll be doing that.

Please tell me if you hate the idea.

I'd be moving out, and finding a new space in cyber world to settle into. I'd have new walls to paint, new roofs to fill, and new places to through mish-mashes of posters, pictures, and fish ponds.

Sounds exciting doesn't it?

I read the local comics outta the newspaper every day. You should know that about me. Mutts is one of my favorites.

Yesterday Get Fuzzy caught my attention.

Get Fuzzy
(click to get to where you can actually read the tiny print)

Somehow, Bucky speaks perfect sense (for once), so I decided to write a short story last night (at like 11:00pm---hey, this sort of thing helps me sleep).

Once upon  a time, there lived a guy named Hammie. Hammie was from Hungary. His family lived on a farm. His sister's name was Ryebrynn.
One day Hammie and Rye were walking to the neighbor's to borrow some mayo. The neighbors were called the Thompsons. The Thompsons had a son and a daughter named Soy Lee and Brice Leonard.
Eventually Hammie decided to go to college. At first he wanted to go to school in Turkey. However, he had a crush on a Swiss girl named Brie---who he had met through their church grapevine---so he decided to go to Switzerland instead.
While Hammie traveled to Switzerland via train, he saw very pretty parts of the country. His favorite point of the journey was when the train passed through Black Forest.
During the long ride, Hammie was able to finally finish The Ingredients Cycle, by Christopher Pannini. He also met a nice old man named Mr. Pumper who was going to Switzerland to catch a flight to his club in California. Mr. Pumper insisted on Hammie calling him "Pumper" without the Mr. He said he didn't like formality.  
When Hammie finally got to Switzerland, he unloaded his luggage from the train. Unfortunately, Hammie had forgotten to bring enough change for bus fare. He was one nickle short. While he was standing alone at the train station, Pumper came along. Pumper asked Hammie why he was standing alone. Hammie explained that he needed five cents. Luckily, Pumper was kind enough gave Hammie a nickle. Pocketing Pumper's nickle, Hammie headed off to college.
At Havarti University, Hammie met his new girlfriend Brie, and enjoyed his culinary classes. He liked his teacher, Mrs. Ella Mozzar. After graduating from cooking class, Hammie decided to marry Brie and open up a bakery. They hired an employee named Garbanzo, who became a good family friend. They also adopted a Hamster and named him Munster. 
And since then, they lived happily ever after, making sandwiches and serving baked goods. 
The End

Hehehe...funny what you can come up with while you are half asleep.

(...You do realize that all of that junk above is NOT the normal writing quality of Me, Myself, and I right??)

I found brilliance in blog form.
Apparently the owner of this blog goes around sticking random sticky notes on the world.

Is this sheer awesomeness or what??

So make sure you check it out at

Now, before you even started reading this post, you should have already known that it was going to be rambley (if that's not a word, I'm gonna have a fit on the inside). So to add more randomness, I present to you...


This is Charley (Yes, E-Jai/THC, this is what I meant by anime and hedgehog look ;D ). She will be staring in the newest story that me and E-Jai have cooked up, along with two others: Leanne and Dekker (I'm now hoping it is okay to release this top-secret info to the public).

Please notice the bandanna atop her head.

As you know I am prone to doing, I tinkered around with this sketch on Picasa. Pencil and paper doodles have LOTS of colorful potential.

LOTS isn't an overstatement, is it?

Anyway, the cool ones are these.

And these.

I'm thinking about converting my profile picture to one of these (---not that it looks like me, mind you), but I like my puppo dog as my pic. too...

...At times like these, I wonder (once again), why I am wasting your time with such blab.

By golly, I'm wasting my own time!
Do you realize that I've been writing this post for hours??

Should I be saying 'yikes'?

Or should I just be worried?

Maybe I'll be both.

But the May Days will just keep comin' (until the 31st that is...and then...). I'mma ready for summer to swing by.

There is always so much that I mean to tell you, but always something to keep me from doing it.

And on that note I exit stage right.


daNinjaGirl said...

I LOVED the part about the Ingredients Cycle, by Christopher Pannini...I'm still laughing. :D
I love Get Fuzzy. Satchel cracks me up.
And I can't draw anime. :( But I drew a picture of my vision of you today(with a lampshade on your head and sword in your hand...)


Kismint said...


---That was my favorite stroke of satire, if I may say so myself! (those books and I obtain a weird relationship).

YOU SERIOUSLY JUST MADE MY DAY! (until algebra comes along...)
It makes me smile so much to think of you drawing me with my sword and lampshade! :D

...This calls for an actual picture (blurred and distorted so no identity bizzaros will hang onto it--mind you) of me with my signiture signing tools...

Oh, and I saw your comment at Teenage Writer. =)

"...Ellipses are friends, not food..."

My only problem with them is when people do this....................

Three's the number---not twenty.


daNinjaGirl said...

Exactly. The most I use is like four, and only at extreme times.
Yeah!! I bet you look nothing like what I drew.
You did have a puckish grin and a mischevious glint in your eye...

Kismint said...

How grand. ^_^

Actually, if you wanna know the truth, some might say that "Charley" does bear a resemblance to me...

Just slap a pair of glassess on and make her hair wavey brown. =)

Then you get a Kismint.

daNinjaGirl said...

lol I knew you had glasses...I just can't draw them very well on faces, so your pictures is devoid of them....

From Where You Cometh

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