Sunday, January 20, 2013

the Princess, the Swordsman, and the Saddle Maker

Hello friends. I'm happy to say that my writerliness-inspiration has returned after a week or two of drawing, reading, and photo-ing. That is, not to say that I didn't write, but only that I didn't feel like working on or devising any new novel/novella ideas.
But now I do.

I have this annoying habit of not finishing projects. Unfortunately, you're the one who gets more annoyed with it then I do---therefore, I go happily skipping to and fro from work space to work space and leaving the mess for you to sort and make sense of. That's how it is with my books and writerly-work.
For the past few hours I've been rebounding some old and recent (though more recent then old) ideas in order to create myself a nice little fantasy whim that I can use to keep myself busy. I miss writing fantasy. I really do. Not that I ever actually wrote (or have written) much at all, but after working my brains out on Upper Class last November (which, by the way, is still stuffed somewhere in the deep dark dank places of this computer's hard drive), I sort of started missing my made-up worlds and valiant swords-persons and archers. Not to say that futuristic post-apocalypse stories aren't enjoyable to write---on the contra'y, m'dear---but they just don't hit the spot like a good castle-and-dragon plot will.

So as of this minute I've got this going for me: (because I'm a nice person, I will show you my hard work)

For the first time ever, I actually did a very rough outline of the entire length of the book (it's only a prequel-type and leaves a large gap to fill with sequels) and made...CHAPTER TITLES.
(Keep in mind that I've only just done this within the last five hours. Everything is bound to change)
  1. "Cameleopards at Daybreak"
  2. "The Training of Geoffrey"
  3. "A Pilgrim from Iseas"
  4. "A Fit Saddle and a Crossed King" 
  5. "Castle Corrupted"
  6. "Blood, Fire, and Thieves" 
  7. "To Save the Princess"
  8. "A Circus Dissolved"
  9. "The Girl in Irons" 
  10. "En Route: the Exit"
And I'll go even further...CHARACTER NAMES. o_O

Milou Starr 
(That's "u" with one of those weird little apostrophe thingies above it.)
Leoy Cezna 
(Not Leroy. Leoy. LEE-OI. Leoy.)
Logan Tummat 
(Ha. Tummat sounds like Tennant. Just...realized that.)
Germione Raggart 
(To the few whom I spoke of that dream to: Ha. I told you I would.)
Geoffrey [of] Monmouth 
(Yes, yes. I see your confusion. But it's not what you think---I promise.)

See what happens when I take a break of writing? My brain gets all fizzy with ideas, that's what. Off to go write before I lose it all and start dragging. Somebody tell me I'm a genius.

With love and mad scientist smiles,


Jack said...

LOVE the chapter titles!!! It made me even more interested! (And I love a good castle and dragon story too. Next to Steampunk that is what I like writing best, and reading.)

*Stills chattering teeth.* Oh yes, Darcy. *Cough* What is Darcy up to? Does anyone ever really know what Darcy is up to? Except maybe Peter from time to time...maybe. He says no.

Aye, there are few who can live up to Steed's cockiness...

Your description of your grass made me snicker. Okay, it made me snort with laughter, but that sounds less lady like.

Anonymous said...

You're a genius.

Kismint said...

@ Lauricia: Ah. Thank you. I'm glad you took note of my sarcasm.

@ Jack: Snorting with laughter beats all.

elizabeth said...

I agree with Lauri--you are a genius. :P Geoffrey...I love that name. My curiosity has been you have a name for this new project of yours?

Hope the spirit of writing inspiration stays with you for as long as you need it... :)


Kismint said...

Mm, I have a few names but I think I'll wait and see what really happens in the plot to decide.

Geoffrey...well I'm glad you like the name. If I play my cards right, you'll be pleasantly surprised with his character in particularly.

*evil snicker*

elizabeth said...

ooh, yeah. That makes me very excited. I love evil snickers. :D Especially whenever they've been in the freezer for a few hours.

Kismint said...


Anonymous said...

@Kismint: No need to be sarcastic, its just true. *Shrugs shoulders honestly*

But maybe you could share some of that inspiration? And maybe you're wonder-woman-ways in how to get EVERYBODY to love the names you pick?
I casually was asking family members in the car the other day if they liked different names I was mulling over for my story. (they didn't know I was gonna use the names, they didn't really know why I was asking) It was first "Do you like this name?" "What about this name?" After a few more questions like that, and getting these answers each time: "No, I don't like that name." I murmured "Well I just won't be publishing that then...." Yeah, my family has always hated the names I love.
Just wait till I have children...Haha.

Kismint said...

Dear Lauricia...
Ah! But sarcasm is genius in and of itself! ^_^
On a related note, if I really were a genius I wouldn't put my foot in my mouth so much. >_>

Everybody loves the names I pick?!!
*narrows eyes*
I was not informed of this.
Do tell this to my mum, will you? I regret to say that she did not support my brain's brilliance of having a dream in which I devised the name Germione.

I fear for my children too. If it's not already obvious, I often create book characters just to give them oddball names.

Because you have said this, I think that one day I'll have to simply post a big rumble-jumbley stanza of random first names and last names that I coin.

That would be fun.

Jack said...

A bit random but I feel like saying it. You are the only one in the world who calls me Lewis - I've become rather fond of the nick name. *Grin*

Oh, I adore answering comments, and yours are some of the most fun I get. So answering yours are always doubly fun. Besides, if your comments are random they match my posts. *Nods* *smirk*

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