Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Slide Shooooooooooow

I take pictures on walks around my house.

Song: Stop Don't Stare || One Republic


elizabeth said...

I love that song...have you heard apologize by OneRepublic? That's one of my favorite songs by them.

Love the pictures! :)


Kismint said...

Oh wait, that song is OneRepublic's? Heh. Waddya know.
Yeah, that's a good song, but until now, I didn't realize who it was who actually sung that. :P

Last night I was just browsing some of "ft. videos" at the end of your most recent YouTube video music post songs and found this one.

I'm liking this band...;)

Jack said...

You live in such a lovely place!! Looks like farm country. I love golden grass.

Kismint said...

@ Jack:
Haha, well, as they say---the camera allows one to lie.

Your comment about farm country and golden grass is actually very funny (in a good way :).

This is anything but farm country---instead, it's a hum-drum suburban neighborhood next to a trailer park in on the outskirts of a desert metropolis.

In Arizona, you don't get natural grass. Instead, we have dirt and the occasional weeds.
However, in early November, some people plant winter grass (cheers to automatic sprinkler systems).
Since it's been getting uncommonly cold here, all the plants are actually getting a little frost-bitten. Thus, we have yellow---err---golden plains at the park. ;)

I am glad my pictures are fooling you though. ^_^

Jack said...

Now I shall always envision Arizona with fake grass, like plastic that you all go out and stick in the dirt.

*Pulls self together.* do you have any idea how much I love your comments? You always make me grin.

Well, it is true I am more complex on the inside then the outside. I confuse myself on the inside sometimes.

(The fact that no one else doubts me kind of freaks me out. I mean, I'm unknown in town, and there are a lot of people online who know me. It sometimes blows my mind. *Blinks*) But you all are amazing and if I had to have people watching me online I'm glad it is all of you.

Anonymous said...

Great Pics, Kismint!! Love them all. It looks really nice there...Soak in some warmth for me too?

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