Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hip-Hop Violinist and My Boring Life

Honestly, I just wrote you all a ton of random poems and prose and decided that it was too abstract to be entertaining. The things I do for you all...

Today was Tuesday. I don't usually do much on Tuesday. I woke up at 9:30, did my little exercise spiel (bwahahaha, figured out I can still hula-hoop like a boss), started school at noon and got distracted by watching Lindsey Stirling YouTube videos. 

Oh so awesome. 
(no I don't expect you to sit through them all, just pick one and be impressed)

My favorite!

Double win with the Piano Guys.

So. Stinkin'. Cool.

Are you inspired? I am.

Heyyy...I want an ice castle too.

But now you can see why I have to stretch really hard to find stories to present you with. That is, because my life is sort of not exciting. 

---Which is why most of what you hear about comes across as either really exaggerated or from the weirdest, most rambly parts of my brain. 

And just so that you know, I don't like monkeys. The tend to creep me out.

Time to go nighty-night.


elizabeth said...

I love Lindsey Stirling! Especially Spontaniously Me...that's one of my favorites.

ooh...monkeys. I don't like them, but not as much as I dislike hippos... now those really freak me out.


Anonymous said...

She went on American Idol and the guy told her she wasn't experienced enough to be dancing and playing the violin at the same time yet. You're probably not gonna like me for saying this, but I sorta agree with him. She's talented, yes, I do see that, but I think she's more of a dancer than a violinist.
She's got cool hair. haha.
She is kinda fun to listen to, gotta admit....

Hippos are disgusting! Enough said.
Monkeys other than curious george are pretty weird too.

Kismint said...

Yes, about hippos...a bit strange, but no where as scary as monkeys (in my personal opinion). ;)

I get what you mean Lauricia. I saw a video of her preforming live on a national talent show and her violin sounded pretty awful. I like her studio mixes though, seeing as the dubstep and the stings are pretty seamless since they can take more time in putting it all together.
...And then when you combine them with neat music video concepts and dances I find it very fantastic.

Yes, her hair is quite cool. And so are her outfits. Very stylish, if I do say so myself. ;P

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