Thursday, October 11, 2012

Of Snippets and Socks

"What is it?", they say.
"What will it be?", I say.

And then I forget about it and dump it in my ever overflowing closet.

* * *

Hi all! How are you this fine afternoon (no, it really is fine---overcast and cool...The WINDOWS ARE OPEN!)? Lately you may have noticed the local trend of me posting random dialogue in the beginning of each post.

In explanation: I get these all the time. Just random snippets from some unheard of story that is non-existent and never will be.

Nice isn't it?

And by the way, my closet doesn't always overflow. That's just my fictional characters as she talks to you all in the three-lined snippet inserted above. I think I'll be doing that more often. I like to start blog updates off by picking you up onto your toes with randomness.

So now that I've started, where shall I begin?

*runs through titles in head*
Chapter one, "My Life As Recorded in 5 Minutes worth of blog time"...
*shakes head*

Nah. I won't bore ya. Nothing going on that would be extremely excited to the lot of you wonderful cyber friends. However, I do come baring a picture of what some may call "Awesome Sauce".

(Apologies for it not being the greatest of quality...)

*evil laugh*
My socks!

While throwing my room upside down and shaking the pennies out of its ears cleaning my room, I happened upon this pair of socks I seemingly forgot I had ownership of.
In conclusion then, I feel that now is the appropriate time to announce that to the world.

That is all.



elizabeth said...

lol that is awesome!!! Long socks, shorts,and converse-instant awesomeness. :D However, my mother would say otherwise(she won't even let me walk outside when I wear my hightops with shorts. *sighs and shakes head* )


Kismint said...


No high tops with shorts!?


Anonymous said...

Why is it that I agree with your mother Ely? Now I feel.....Bad in some way. But I don't seem to think high tops go with shorts......Idk. They totally rock with jeans though :)

That probably wasn't what anyone wanted to hear....*Dismayed look*

Anonymous said...

BUT-----It looks nice on ya Kismint. I love the socks. :)

Kismint said...


Ah, someday Lauricia, someday---you'll see!

And actually, I don't have high tops (YET!)...those are just the regular old low-cut converse.

Thank you! =)

elizabeth said...

lol my best friend actually threatened to cut off the tops of my high top plaid Airwalks if I started wearing them with shorts. :)

I compromised and wore them with my jeans...then rolled my jeans up into shorts. :D


Kismint said...

@ Ely:
Really?? O_o
My friend wear high tops w/ shorts a lot (until they died...they were loved on a little too much ;). And I have another friend who wears nothing but the same pair of high tops with EVERYTHING!! =D
('cept when she has band practice. They make you wear tennis shoes then.)

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