Monday, October 8, 2012

P Sherman and All That

Hiya all.

Ever notice that when you're listening to a really good song and writing at the same time, all you wanna do is type the lyrics? That's what I've been feeling like. I've been walking around in agonizingly repetitive circles wanting to create something beautiful. I don't care what with---gimme anything: words, photos, music, crayolas,---ANYTHING!

But I can't.
Actually, I don't mean that like a "can't can't" more like just a "can't". Get what I mean?

It's something horrible to be an abstract thinker. I have a swirly twirly line of ideas and dreams dancing in my head, and I can't get the orchestra to play a number slow enough for me to catch up with them. I'm not an insomniac, quite the opposite really, but there are those weird nights when my brain is literally doing this to me:

You get the idea, right?

It's a colossal whirlwind of voices, words, pictures, and past. That's when I want my fingers to fly over a keyboard and start writing out every inkling I get...but it doesn't work that way. Inspiration comes to fast and leaves before I can hang up it's coat and hat on the rack.

Ain't that annoying?

So long live dashes of inspiration that I can never quite get down, eh? ;)


elizabeth said...

Yay for all the strange little snippets of inspiration that clutter my desk, my bed, my brain that no other sane person in the universe will probably ever understand. Here's to you. *lifts soda can and takes a good long swig*

I know how you feel about the need to be creative and to make something beautiful. I have whole weeks like that(don't get me started about the week I thought it was my dream to become a DIY fashionista person and spent the whole week cutting and snipping and tearing up t-shirts. And then reality came in through the window and sat down at my dining room table and showed me that all I really had was a bunch of ripped up cloth, not art.) So yes. Me knows how you feel.

I hope you find Creativity lurking in some dark corner soon. :)


Kismint said...

Oh I've had that DIY fashion things multipul times.
And actually, it worked once...but that's not the point. =)

I thank ye for the support. I feel it is something I could make good use of...

God bless!

Anonymous said...

AHA! I've been rubbing off on you Kismint. *pleased grin* You're saying "eh." *Giggle*

BTW, I totally get what you mean. How you put that clip from Nemo....Well it totally explained it to a T.


Kismint said...

Eh? Is that right? ;)

Well yes, Dory and I do happen to have minds alike.

elizabeth said...


I love saying eh!!! It drives my family nuts. They're all like, "You're not Canadian!!" To which I retort: "I don't care!" It's fun to say, isn't it? :D


P.S. Oh, and K-minty, I too had one moment of DIY glory(I made a skirt out of a pair of jeans). The rest...let's just say I've limited my contact with scissors--otherwise I might not have any clothes left in my closet. :)

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