Monday, October 8, 2012

"And now we pause for a moment of abstract reflection..."

Those stars shine pretty brightly out there. You were one of them.

All I had to do was flip the switch that said "Skyline" and the night would have glowed finer than that time the moon exploded in our faces. They said to make a wish, but I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot to until it was too late. My chance was gone, and that meteorite dissolved behind the chimney tops. 

For a long time now, the sky has been a sort of obsession to me. I'm afraid of heights, but love the thrill of fear. I could hang up there for hours, climbing on those cumulonimbus' like a boss

Even if I can't see the blue in the sky, I still rejoice in the static charges that flit around, bouncing back and fourth, throwing lightning bolts hither and thither. 

But it's really great at night. That time when everything you never thought would wake up does. Those stars aren't all that visible from where I live, but I still know they're there. The moon is a floodlight, the helicopters fireflies, and those funny little bugs that fly in loopdeedoos around the porch light are the shrapnel of it all. Nighttime is like a fiery explosion of light that stands out at exactly the time you aren't looking noticing.


Anonymous said...

I like that.

Nighttime is magical. Nighttime is beautiful....Nighttime is when writing and music, and everything melancholy comes alive, and like it or not....I think way too much, and way too deep.

Kismint said...

Very true.

Thanks for the comment!

Kismint said...

Very true.

Thanks for the comment!

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