Friday, October 19, 2012

Evil Eyes and Airplanes

I wonder when people started to use the figure of speech "fish out of water". I guess it's just "one of those things".
Which, of course, causes me to wonder when that figure of speech originated. =P

Anyhoo, I write now to talk about writing. Doesn't that just sound like the funest thing?! I'm still wondering about this whole NaNoWriMo thing. In fact, what I really want is for you to give me something to write about. I'm kind of tired of thinking up my own things (never thought I'd ever say that). As of this exact moment I just want someone to give me a fun and interesting novel substance, then give it a thirty day shot. If you'll just wait for a minute though, my mind will switch and decide that I can do it ON MY OWN.

I'm very much an ON MY OWN sort of person, don'tcha know?

More of my writerness if about to get used for other things (not including lab write ups) as well. I'm strongly considering trying my hand out for a low-key essay contest (there is a pun in those last words that only one person who will ever read this can find), as well as speeches for a government class that I'm taking. Being a lobbyist if fun stuff, but my speech writing is soon to be tested for the first time.

Those are the three:

Can I knock 'em all down? And if I attempt, should I go with the left hook or the right? Maybe I should just become a kick boxer and work on my evil-eye.

Speaking of.

Okay, before you ask me why I'm going all creepy "emo" on you, lemme assure you, I am not about to go and shroud myself in black and walk swiftly and silently throughout the night, all alone with an evil glint in my eye (quite literally). 
I just had lots of fun on Picasa photo editor today! =D

Finally! I've discovered the advantage to having deep brown eyes! They edit very nicely into crimson. I often sit back and wish that my so-called pudding eyes had SOME sort of color in them, but for right now, I think it's cool how they can come out in the edits! 
 Also, I've kind of decided that I'm going to put a watermark in the center of my pictures (like the first one there) whenever I can. In digital art class we talked about copyrights and other neat things in relation to that and I realized how lazy I've been with making sure my work still stays my own.
---I know, I know, the watermark is annoying, distracting, and will probably steal your Captain Crunch when you aren't looking, but I'll try to keep it as transparent as possible, 'k? If you want a copy of a non-watermarked version, just let me know in a comment and I'll work on getting it to you.

This week our homework for digi art was to design a logo and tagline for ourselves/our work/our company/etc. Since I didn't want to use this

and was supposed to make something new, I decided on this simple lil' design:

The K and K stand for "Kreative Kompositions", which I've chosen for my tagline as well. And as for the paper airplane?
I s'posed it was just an easily identified object that shoes ingenuity, creativity, and an admiration for flight. After all, what Kismint doesn't love the sky?!

'Tis all.


E-jai said...

I thought a bit about stories that I would read, for something for you to write, and I came up with this: In some other world, far, far away, the people have had to build a place to live high up in the trees, like, 100 feet in the air or something, because of the threat of some violent monster-creature, whatever. So the main character ends up falling down to the forest floor, and she has to somehow find her way back up. Of course, falling from that high up would give her quite a few injuries and broken bones. She could find some tame animal to help her along the way. Anyway, her main goal is to find the place her ancestors used to actually get up into the trees in the first place. Just something I came up with late at night, take it or leave it.

Also, I was kind of expecting your tagline and picture to be something a bit more witty and/or sarcastic. Although I am glad you got your homework done before Sunday night. See you Sunday!

Kismint said...

Hmmm...Interesting idea. (<
--sound of me crunching on thoughts)...
Is it weird that I tend to like to use guy protagonists instead of girl protagonists (that is what they're called, right?).
I'll chew on it s'more. It has lots of potential...why are you always so brillaint??

Yeah, I wish I had something a little better/creative on hand, but I'm really not expecting to use this for more than a few weeks. I'd rather not make a long-term logo and tagline within the timeline of a few days. :)
The tagline was also supposed to be only two to three words too, which made it a little difficult. =P

Thank you for the input!
God bless!

elizabeth said...

yes, protagonist is the word (or victim, if your prefer) Fun word, no? Along antagonist--love that one.
On the watermark--fab job! I barely noticed it on that one red eye picture(which is totally awesome, by the way). So no, I don't think it's distracting at all. :)

Have a great day,

Regollin said...

I need to download Picsa! 0_0

E-jai said...

Another story idea: Take a song that kind of tells a story and expand it. I might try that one.

Kismint said...

@ Ely:
I'm glad that watermark is accepted by thou, the ninjagirl! ;)

Actually, the watermark isn't so bad in this picture, but I think it usually depends on the color scheme of the photo.

@ Regollin:
Yousa back!!! =D
*happy dance*
And yes, Picasa is fun.

@ Ejai:
I've though about that. But then again, I think about a lot of things, and someday my head is going to explode.

It's a good idea. Any songs that you're thinking of in particular?

E-jai said...

There is a particular song I am thinking of, but I will keep it a secret until I get some of it done, or post it on my blog, or just decide not to do it. We'll see!
Or if you can guess it I will tell you.

Kismint said...

@ E-Jai:
Funny that you I see your comment now, because I JUST found my "theme song" for you idea (which I have decided to use for my NaNo, if you don't mind ;).

I'm not telling until later either!

---And no, I seriously doubt you could guess, I just heard it for the first time a few minutes ago. =)

E-jai said...

Which idea, story-song one, or the forest survival one?

Kismint said...

Err, forest survival, but by the time I'm done giving it a plot-overhaul, it won't be so foresty...*sly laugh*

Just know that your idea just sparked my idea which combines both ideas into one big inspiration!

(Or so we must hope.)

I want to name my main Character Hobbes.

E-jai said...

So you're basically taking my idea and K-mint-itizing it like you did with the whole E-Project thing?
Hobbes is a cool name. Will another character be named Calvin? :P

Kismint said...

I though the E-Project was my idea and it got E-Jai-izied...=D

I hope you don't mind that I leech off your brain waves.

Har har. No, not Calvin. Possibly Andi and Lue though. I'm not sure.

And Hobbes has bushy hair! =P

E-jai said...

No, it was my idea first. *Then* you K-mint-itized it. Because it was one of those ideas I had that I kept to myself and just worked on in my head. Then when you mentioned wanting to write something together, the idea was already there and I shared it with you.

I don't mind you "leeching off of my brain waves." Because if you don't, then all my little ideas will probably be lost into where ever brain waves go that aren't written down or kept nestled in that section of the brain labeled "random ideas that I will work on someday but I can't work on now because I have way too much latin homework to do and sleep to get."

The comment section is getting very long...

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