Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shouldn't Hello Have a 'W' at The End?

Goodness gracious me. I feel exactly like a person who's priorities are out of place. For the last I-don't-know-how-many-hours, I've been wrestling with my computer screen to try to get it to show what I want it to show. I've been messing with more blog stuff, and bothering about more layouts, posts, and configuration than anyone cares about. And I feel likes it's been taking it's toll on me.

Anyone care to pass the plate of productivity my way?

Today I woke grudgingly, then closed my eyes and decided to allow the poor physical side of me to sleep longer then I could afford. It's funny how, if you think about it, you aren't really the face, the arms, the legs, or the skeleton people might take as you. Instead, your what makes all that stuff THINK and TALK and FEEL, and EMPATHIZE and UNDERSTAND. God has only given you a physical form to take place in so that you can do the things he has commissioned you to do. I mean, have you ever seen a soul do any heavyweight lifting? There's the punchline: You aren't who you look like, you're who you act like. Everything you do will reflect who you are, and everything you reflect should be an good and righteous image of the Holy God who gave you LIFE!

These are my thoughts. Now, let me bore you with some more.

If you're one of those people who notice everything, you will have noticed the fact that I have a page on this blog entitled "The Lion's Gaze" ---which was a former blog of mine. If you're not one of those people who notice everything, don't worry, I am too. Nevertheless, I've turned that former blog into a soon-to-be-up-and-coming photography blog, and assembled (almost) all of my past entries that I posted onto that site onto the page that you can conveniently click on and is positioned above this text. Alas, I can't seem to get everything typed, copied, and pasted the way that I had hoped, resulting in a giant page of spaghetti lingo.
However, I've decided not to be bothered by that.

Furthermore, I now present to you, my newest project...

By now you should all know that I take pictures. Lots of pictures. If I leave the house, it is probable that I will have my handy-dandy snapshoter around my neck.
---After all, the opportunities present themselves.

Thus, I have decided to create my own gallery to keep them in.

I have a few reasons why I decided to turn The Lion's Gaze into KKK. One being because (terribly enough), school is about to start. School means less time blogging, and more time in a torture chamber textbook. School means I won't have time to run three separate blogs all at the same time and all being viewed by the wonderfully committed viewers that you are (isn't that right? =).

Therefore, my answer was this:
Collaborate my two "sub-blogs", The Lion's Gaze and Salad Bugs into my this: my dear original journal.
And why not? After all, I write, and I write a lot. Not just about my life, but about random imaginary scenes, about fantasy and literature, and about fictional characters who end up killing each other or living happily ever after.
Why shouldn't I just pour it all into one convenient place like this?

Well, I waited for one of those voices of reason to talk me out of trying to re-locate all of my past work on each of my other two blogs, but unfortunately, it came too late. And now I'm stuck with sitting here and clicking "copy" and "paste" all the live long day. Only to discover that NOTHING LINES UP!
This is the one moment in history when I'm glad to be one of those people who were gifted with a high degree of stubbornness, else I'd just give it up now.

So when The Lion's Gaze can't be found in blogland, or Salad Bugs are suddenly small green insects who have made pesticides what they are today, you'll know that I haven't left you readers to the wolves.

Goodbye now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving us the lowdown.....The new blog looks great!

I understand your dilemma with handling 3 blogs....why I'm trying to keep up with mine. If you haven't noticed, I haven't really written anything important or deep on designed to shine for a long time. I have almost as many drafts as I do published posts. *Gasp*
Inspiration comes and than leaves me in a blink.

School is about to start? And a day after my birthday.....Wow.


Kismint said...

*noise of overwhelment*



Regollin said...

I love your pics! Hey, If you ever go to The grand canyon, being in Arizona, could you take TONS of kamera kaptures? :P Thanks! Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. Been quite busy :/

Why doesn't Hello have a 'W' in it?

Kismint said...

@ Regollin:
Thanks for the encouragement, it really means a lot to me! =)

Everyone in my family except me have been up to the canyon before (weird, huh? I just never got the chance to go).
We live about three or four house away from it, but someday I'm sure I'll be there and I'll take loads of snapshots for yaz! =)

It's the least I can do. ;)

It also means a lot to me that you take time out of your busy days (filled with screaming wreaking balls ;) to send me a few handfulls of comments.

Thank you so much for that!

Smiles and God bless,

From Where You Cometh

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