Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Plink-a-Dink's Pep Talk

So, as I stalk the endless blogs that all hang out in little lounges of cyberspace, I'm rather...embarrassed.

No, not embarrassed. Just humbled. I have been blogging for four years. Indeed, they have seemed rather longish. In all that time, can't I at least find it in me to write something GOOD?!


I read other people's blogs. They blow me away. It's like they know what they're doin' and where they're goin'. I just ramble. I just waste time. My head gets turned to jello because I spend so much time simply sitting an typing up a bunch of silly silliness.

My mission: To make a blog that sustains your interest, that draws more people in (hoping it's still what you know and not who you know), that keeps people entertained, and that's ACTUALLY WORTH YOUR TIME.

I think I'm having a four-year blogging crisis. I feel stuck.

But I wanna be a writer, don't I?

AND WRITERS PREVAIL! Let's see what I got, hmm? Let's see about a few posts that are worthwhile---that make you smile instead of snore.

So maybe I should stop whining and get on with it.


(^ I'm with the guy and his notepad)


daNinjaGirl said...

I always smile when I read your posts. You are encouraging! :)

Anonymous said...

Awe, Kismint.....Your writing is good! Thought provoking, touching, funny...And so many more things!! I love reading it. There are definitely times when we all hit the large brick wall called: Writers block. It happens. Hey, just three days ago, I sat looking at the empty blog screen where I wanted to just spout off a poem...Or something beautiful that made little sense, but tons at the same time....And there was Nothing. Zip. We all write differently, and yours just happens to lighten my day!! :) I love how you talk...Your not just like, "Oh hi. So I have nothing so goodbye." You have the gift of words, and you put them together beautifully. Sometimes I wish it came so naturally to me, as it seems to you. We all write different, my friend. And yours is definitely not putting me to sleep. :)

Kismint said...

Thank yaz both.
You guys are such great friends! Your encouraging words are so wonderful to hear.

...I likes wonderfullness... =)

God Bless,
K-Mint Plink-a-Dink

daNinjaGirl said...

I like how you added the writing tip of the day. That's cool. :)

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