Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Leap Year. It's here. Actually, now I'm wondering why they don't just call it "Leap Day." I mean, obviously the day belongs to the year and all, but still, it only lasts one day.

Sorry, I just had to put something about February 29th in today's entry. In further news and updates...Not so much goin' on. At the moment. I've been reading blogs by Writer and Artist combination sisters Eldra & Leauphaun, to keep my distracted little self computer brained (heheheh...). But further than that, everything else seems rather standstillish in the blogger interest world.

Last night our yard was saran-wrapped. Mom and I came home from Starbucks at 9:00PM to a front porch bench glistening and mummified with shiny plastic exterior. My dad's car was the same (and I attempted to convince him to keep in on and drive it to work the following day like that). I have my suspicions on JUST WHO MIGHT HAVE DONE IT, but I'll say nothing besides the fact that I'm pretty sure that Elmo from Sesame Street has a clear name (for now).

Concerning my stories (novels??) that I'm trying to pull together by the time I'm 302 years old...Ehn. Not going nowhere. Or rather, going nowhere fast. However, this morning, while reading this post at A Day on Daremo by Eldra, I was thinking about doing the same kind of novel tag (by tagging myself, see), in hopes of stirring up a little more or that awesomely amazing stuff dubbed "Inspiration."

Don't ya think it looks fun??

*Goes off to ponder over that last question, and to wonder if typing all that out would really be worth it...*

I'll type at you later,

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