Friday, November 15, 2013


"Isn't if funny the way a melody sounds like a memory feels?"
As a narrow-minded youngling, I must admit to showing favoritism for a few music groups. Should music really be judged? If so, is it our place to judge it?

Probably not. But that's why I'm narrow minded.

For the past few days, I've been acclimating to waking up when it's still dark out and going to bed snuggled up in fleece blankets. These actions are things that I associate with wintertime. There are a few songs that I associate with wintertime too. But why?? I mean, sure, maybe a few of them mention something about Christmas or snowflakes or sleigh rides, but what about the other ones? What about the songs that I hear and I just think---oh. winter. yes. this one.---even as the lyrics are singing about...randomness that has nothing to do with the Yuletide. What is it in our brains that allow us to connect songs to seasons? Or am I just crazy?

---Also, why do I even bother to bring up questions that I honestly can't answer?

Questions aside, I'd like to introduce you to my winter songs (I'm sorry, I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I'm getting festive, alright??). Some of them are obvious. Some not so much. Some might be stretching the winter theme a bit. But this is my playlist tonight, and I may as well share. So pull out the mittens, hot chocolate, and earbuds and listen at will. :)

That's all for tonight. I meant to write more, but I figure that music should speak for itself and bedtime approacheth.

Good night,

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