Saturday, November 30, 2013

I think.

So November closes with a whoosh and a bang. Short post tonight. (but aren't they all lately??)

photo cred. kismint plinkadink 2013
  Time to Christmasize everything. Time to break out the sweaters, because yes indeed, it's turning nippy outside in the morning. Time to think about 2013, and how it's been a weirdish sort of year. I mean that in a good way. I think. I think a lot of things. Not that it goes to show anything. But it's my way to amuse myself. I play think games. Funny because I know I'm not the only one. You think too. We all think. Because God gave us amazing thinking heads. But I think that it's important for us to think about things that actually matter. I believe it could be dangerous to fill up the think tank with garbage and waste-y stuff, couldn't it? It's damaging to our minds when we don't spend out time mentally shuffling through things that matter or things that won't last.
That's all.

Goodnight now. I go to dream.
 ---But I'll probably forget the dream, so no use in asking me about it tomorrow. (December!!)


elizabeth said...

it feels very odd that's already December. I think that may because we're only just now having our Thanksgiving meal today (silly family members of mine...when did you get lives and busy schedules?) so it's kinda strange to think that there's only 25 days until Christmas, and then 6 more after that before it's 2014.

Yeah. It's feels weird. :)

Jack said...

CHRISTMAS! One of my favouritest holidays! And I am very ready for the school break it brings.

And sweaters. Love sweaters.

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