Walking road to war.
His shoulders squared
To bear the fears before.
His life is bound
In a paper heart on his sleeve.
And his love is gone
With the note he never believed.
He fights his battles
With a bullet soul.
He fights in the pit of despair
His feet tread the tunnel
Of death and decay.
---Of tears that will beg for repair.
And when he comes home
From his darkest hour,
He'll find a new copy of life.
That will be worth the terror
Waded through
In bloody strife.
© kismint 2013
* * *
There is a new book character that just moved into my brain, and whom I'm planning to use in a section of my project for Camp NaNo. I shall write about him not only to figure out who he is, but also as another entry for Jack's book give away. (Wheeeee! I WANT THAT BOOK.)
Check out her blog @ http://missjacklewisbaillot.blogspot.com
Meet Codge. (Kind of like cod, the fish, but with a 'dge' sound at the end.)
Basically all I know about him is that he is a boy---young man---in my fantasy-land's militia. I decided he would be a necessary addition because I needed a perspective from the battle lines. Having a cast of child protags who aren't exactly eligible to go to war makes it kind of tricky to fill the pages with descriptions of battle scenes.
So Codge is an innocent soul, only just old enough to fight for his country, and to fight against an army of killing machines created by treasonous rebels.
Apart from that, let's see what we can learn about him from this writer's character development list (101 questions...all broken up into 10s...yeesh).
---As a heads up, this is really rough. Seriously now, I didn't even know this character existed five days ago. So I'm making this all up spot-on. It will probably be revised sometime in the future.
(link to source)
- Name? || Codge
- Age? || 22 years old
- Approximate height? || 6 feet
- Approximate weight? || 145 pounds
- Hair colour? || Dirty blond
- Eye colour? || Light brown
- Skin tone? || Light tan
- Do they speak with an accent? || No
- Where are they from? || Ithica
- Where are they now? || In a deployment of Ithica's military cadets
- Who are their parents? Biologically and socially. || He has a mother and father who live in the capitol city of Ithica.
- What is their earliest memory? || Witnessing throw a crowd the execution of a man who stood trial on accusation of fraternizing with the rebels.
- What did they want to be when they grew up? || A teacher.
- What did/do their parents want them to be? || Someone respectable.
- Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters? || Two younger brothers and a little sister.
- Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? || No, but he wishes to raise a family one day.
- Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not? || No.
- What were they doing right before the story starts? || Studying to be a teacher (or professor, scholar, etc.) and working in Ithica's military field.
- Up until now, what's the most noteworthy thing they've done? To them? To the people around them? || Codge is known as a peacemaker, but his easy temper turns to wrath whenever he witnesses something unjust. He once stood up for a feeble-minded old farmer who was caught on private property stealing chickens, and has a few whiplash scars on his back to prove it.
- What was their education like? || He was taught to read and write at home by his mother, and then sent to stay at a boy's army academy at age 12. While at the academy, he was allowed home visits and certain holidays.
- What's your character's favourite colour? || Blue.
- Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? || No.
- Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? || Yes, he can be a slight OCD personality, but happens to be too laid back to show it.
- What's their favourite ice cream flavour? || If they had ice cream in Ithica (and I'm not saying that they don't), it would be peach & almond.
- Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? Coffee (with cream, and preferably a bit of sugar). He doesn't mind tea, but hasn't much of a taste for it.
- What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch? || He read epics and poems and histories.
- What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all? || He doesn't listen to anything specifically, but he often whistles the tunes that his mother used to sing to lull him and his brothers to sleep when they were younger.
- If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal? || Steak and potatoes with onions and corn. And cherries and cream with brewed cocoa beans for drink and desert.
- Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out? || Codge is rather selfless, remaining protective over his family and the sick and weak and lonely.
- Do they have any philias or phobias? || He doesn't like change, and has a deep and dark fear that, after the war, all innocence will be shattered. He's afraid that nothing will every be the same---and he's probably right.
- Do they have an internal or an external moral code? || Not exactly. He only tries his hardest to please, and to please by doing right over wrong.
- To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? || He his well-known for his peacemaker attitude and attributions, and often displays this in his everyday activity.
- Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? || If so, it is unlikely that his faith will be explored in this story.
- Are they superstitious? || No. In addition, his father and mother are very much against the idea of sorcery.
- Do they value faith/instinct more highly than reason? || Given the circumstances---yes.
- Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what's it like? || Codge isn't afraid to die for what he believes is right, and is willing to take whatever afterlife is handed to him, or none at all, whichever will come.
- Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? || No.
- Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? || Yes, he is considerably tolerant.
- Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? || No, but he has willingly stood up to defend himself or others from criticism.
- Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? || The good of many.
- Do they make friends easily? || Yes. He is friendly---though quiet (and awkward) around strangers.
- Do they have a best friend? || Not really. Instead, he's just generally friendly with a large circle of people whom he trusts.
- Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how? || He's not great at rousing people through his words, but his attitude shows great leadership, and therefore grants him power over people.
- Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term? || No.
- Do they fall in and out of love easily? || No.
- Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? || Yes, they find him pleasant.
- Do they have a network? || No. In general, he likes to keep relationships and contacts in a personal, down-to-earth way. He's also rather forgetful when it comes to matching names with people.
- What is their relationship like with their family? || Good. He loves his family, and will do anything and everything in his power to protect them.
- Are they still in touch with non-family people they were in touch with a year ago? Five years? Ten? More? || Not really. A few acquaintances from the military academy and other miscellaneous places from years ago are still considered friends, but Codge doesn't go out of his way to stay in touch.
- Do they like children? Do they want children of their own? || Yes and yes---someday, when the war is over and done with.
- How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? || In the militia, they have sort of rag-tag uniforms complete with combat boots and boiled leather. At home, he wares the commoner clothes---usually made of cotton.
- Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? || No.
- Do they have piercings? How many? Is this culturally appropriate for them? || No.
- Do they have scars? Where did they come from? || Codge has three long scars down his back from a whipping he received after he volunteered to take the punishment condemned to a deranged old chicken thief who didn't know any better. The original sentence was a half dozen lashes, but the man who was carrying out the punishment couldn't keep making himself whip the boy who so willingly sacrificed his own flesh for the defenseless.
- Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? || No, but he has a habit of running his right hand up over his hair and making it stick up on his head every time he washes up for meals.
- Is there something they'd choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? || He often wishes he wasn't so scrawny compared to some of the stout military leaders in his squad.
- Is there something about their appearance they're particularly proud of/happy with? || No.
- Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? || Attractive enough, with a young face, bright eyes, and thick hair that always has a sort of tousled appearance.
- Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? || Yes, I think so. However, Codge is one of those strange likable people who will often make light of a situation while degrading themselves (making jokes of their own appearances, attitudes, etc.).
- How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? || Not very much. At all.
- Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree? || Locally, yes, but elsewhere, he'd have a hard time getting himself around and about.
- Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere? || Yes. Codge has a fascination for history and cultural studies.
- Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now? || Yes.
- Do they know the composition of water? || Mmm...?
- Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? || Pomegranates are brought to Ithica's capitol by trade, but only the reasonably wealthy purchase and eat them. As far as other "tricky foods" that might require certain knowledge on how to eat or prepare them, Codge has been aquainted with seafood (hey now, mussels are weird and confusing edible substances!).
- Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless? || Pretty good.
- Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it? || Yes. Growing up in a military academy has given him an eye for details. Details are what turn the table in war...and in keeping a paint job from being messy.
- Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did? || If you gave thorough directions, yes.
- Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? Yes, he's pretty handy.
- Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? || No. The majority of his food is issued by the militia, or bough, cooked, and prepared by his mother.
- Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? || As mentioned before, he would like to study to be a teacher, but he has no qualification or license for it yet.
- Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don't? || No, not particularly. He has skills and talents, but nothing out of the ordinary.
- Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? || People often note him for his humble and sacrificing personality.
- Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? || He excelled in certain areas of education at the military academy, but nothing more then the next A student.
- Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? || Yes, he is interested in current events as regards the uprisings (especially now that war is arousing).
- Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? || Nope, just one.
- Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? || I guess so. Ithica is sort of a "swords and horses" kind of place, so I guess he wouldn't know much about more "modern" things.
- Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? || No---with the exception of the whipping, a time in which he was being acknowledged for being well-versed in the art of selflessness.
- Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? || A few little conflicts with other students in school, but he's come out all the better for it.
- Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? || He's not one to study all that hard, though he does study diligently. But he's so laid back---so I'd say naturally.
- What if they'd been born with a different biological sex? || He most likely would have led an obedient little housekeeper's life.
- What if they'd have more or less siblings? || He'd be more reckless and less responsible.
- What if a key formative event in their past had gone differently? || His personality would have been less rounded.
- What if they lost a limb? || He'd never gone to the military academy, and probably stayed at home or near home all of his life. Or he might have become some musty-dusty professor or something.
- What if someone close to them died unexpectedly? || He'd grieve, but I'm certain that he'd only fight even harder for what he determines is good and right.
- What if they'd been born 50 years earlier? 100 years? 1000? || He wouldn't be a cadet in the war against the rebels.
- What if they'd done something completely different on the morning when the [his part of the] story starts? || Arlo Mou'let would probably have the wrong idea about...everything. Which is a very dangerous thing, as far as Arlo Mou'let is considered.
- What if they found enough money to make them wealthy for the rest of their life in a bag? || He would use it, but would do his best to remain charitable as well.
- What if they were stranded and deserted? || He'd die. Unless someone came to rescue him.
- What if they were betrayed by someone they trusted? || His world would be shaken, and perhaps he'd lose a little of his natural faith in and easiness around people.
- What did they have for breakfast this morning? || Oatmeal and milk.
What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? || That the man who once lived next door and wore an eye patch was a sea pirate.
- Do they like marshmallows? || He's never had one, but I would think he'd like them best roasted and with something crunchy, like a graham cracker, as opposed to raw.
- Do they sleep on their side, front, or back? || Back.
- Do they work better with sound or silence? || Silence. But not too silent---more like "a peaceful and serene enclosure" kind of silence.
- Do they have a strange obsession with something minor? || I don't think so.
- Do they like art? || He hasn't much of an appreciation for it.
- How fast can they run? || Very fast.
- Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair? || Somewhere informal---so I guess that would be the floor.
- What do they want, right now? || For life to be simpler.
Question 101 - Why Should The Audience Care About Your Character?
Because he is more than an admirable person---he's a hero. And yet, he's simple and common on the outside. His steadfast faith in the power of selflessness inspires others, and he play an important role in connecting the audience to the surrounding action. Despite his charming character, he suffers from his share of rough spots, and with him, the audience can see that mistakes can lead to bigger and better and more beautiful things.
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my mental picture, if you will |
1 comment:
Hehehe, I think you're the first person I've ever heard refer to unroasted marshmallows as raw 8-D
I like him a lot! I like the quieter soldier characters. And he seems almost charming.
Very well done. You will have to post snippets as you write. *Smiles sweetly.*
I entered you into the giveaway!
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